
Description of the page content

Tool to import MasterBASIC source code (in standard text files) into the SimCoupe emulator.

MBimport is the last step of the MBim toolchain. MBimport is written in MasterBASIC. Its goal is to import the processed MasterBASIC source code into the SimCoupe emulator.

MBimport 1

The first version uses the option provided by SimCoupe to import host system files into the SAM Coupé's memory.

After many tries, I decided to low the RAMTOP to 32768 and use the whole memory page. That means the maximum length of the source code is 16 KiB.

First, the procedure v2f ("Vim to file") reads the memory region, extracts the source code lines, edit and join them if needed an prints them out into a serial file in the current disk. Second, the procedure f2s ("file to SAM") reads every line of the serial file and adds it into the current program using KEYIN.

It's possible to import programs longer than 16 KiB, dividing them into parts. The parts will be joined in the second step of the process.

   10 REM MBimport 1 (Version A-20110907)
      (C) 2011 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)
      License programandala.net/license
   15 MODE 1
   25 DEF FN nn$(n)=CHR$ (n MOD 256)+CHR$ INT (n/256)
   30 DEF FN min(a,b)=a*(a<b)+b*(b<a)
   35 DEF FN max(a,b)=a*(a>b)+b*(b>a)
   40 DEF PROC addExtensionTo REF file$
   45   LOCAL drive$
        LET drive$=""
   50   IF LEN file$>4
   55     IF EQU(file$(1),"d") AND file$(3)=":"
   60       LET drive$=file$(2),drive$=file$( TO 3) AND (drive$>="1" AND drive$<="9")
   65     END IF
   70   END IF
   75   IF LEN drive$ THEN LET file$=file$(4 TO )
   80   LET file$=drive$+TRUNC$ ((file$+"      ")(1 TO 6))+".mb"
   85 END PROC
   90 DEF PROC about
        CLS #
        PRINT PEN 5;"MBimport 1"'"Copyright (C) 2011 Marcos Cruz"'"(programandala.net)"''
      END PROC
   95 DEF PROC v2fs DATA
        REM "From Vim to files"
  100   LOCAL file$,file
          IF ITEM=2
            READ file
            LET file$=STR$ file
          ELSE READ file$
          END IF
          v2f file$
  110 END PROC
  115 DEF PROC v2f file$
        REM "From Vim to file"
  120   DEFAULT file$="tmp"
  125   LOCAL line$,start,end,eol$,eol,stream,clear$
        LET start=RAMTOP,eol$=CHR$ 10,eol=LEN eol$,stream=4
        addExtensionTo file$
  130   LET clear$=CHR$ &21+FN nn$(32768)+CHR$ &11+FN nn$(32769)+CHR$ &01+FN nn$(16383)+CHR$ &36+CHR$ 0+CHR$ &ED+CHR$ &B0+CHR$ &C9
        REM machine code to clear 16 KiB at 32768
  135   about
  140   IF start<>32768 THEN PRINT "Error: RAMTOP<>32768"'"Press any key to do "; BRIGHT 1;"CLEAR 32768"; BRIGHT 0'"and then try again."
          CLEAR 32768
        ELSE CALL LENGTH(0,clear$)
  145   PRINT "The file "; BRIGHT 1;file$; BRIGHT 0;" will be"'"created with the content of the"'"memory (address range from"'"32768 to 49151)."''"Now please import the host"'"system file into the BASIC"'"address 32768, using the"'"SimCoupe's data import 
option"'"(PC key F4)."''"After importing the file, press any key to continue."
  150   PAUSE
  155   CLOSE #stream
        IF FSTAT(file$,1)
          PRINT "erased"
          ERASE file$
        END IF
        OPEN #stream;file$ OUT
  160   PRINT "Copying the lines from memory"'"into the temporary file..."
  165   DO
  170     LET end=LOCN(start, 49151,eol$,ABS )
  175   EXIT IF NOT end
  180     PRINT #stream;MEM$(start TO end-1)
          LET start=end+eol
  185   LOOP
  190   CLOSE #stream
  195   PRINT "Done!"
  200 END PROC
  205 DEF PROC fs2s DATA
        REM "From files to SAM"
  210   LOCAL file$,file
          IF ITEM=2
            READ file
            LET file$=STR$ file
          ELSE READ file$
          END IF
          f2s file$
  220 END PROC
  225 DEF PROC f2s file$,lineN
        REM "From file to SAM"
  230   DEFAULT file$="tmp",lineN=lastLineByMBimport+1
  235   LOCAL srcLine$,srcLineL,line$,stream,tabChars$,tail$
        LET line$="",stream=4,tabChars$=CHR$ 9+CHR$ 32
        addExtensionTo file$
  240   about
  245   IF RAMTOP<81919 THEN PRINT "Error: RAMTOP<81919"'"Press any key to do "; BRIGHT 1;"CLEAR 81919"; BRIGHT 0'"and then try again."
          CLEAR 81919
  255   CLOSE #stream
        OPEN #stream,file$ RND
  260   DO WHILE NOT EOF stream
  265     REM LET srcLine$=INP$(#stream,0)
          rem fails with lines longer than 255
  270     INPUT #stream; LINE srcLine$
  275     REM PRINT "raw srcLine$="; PEN 5;srcLine$
          rem debug!!!
  280     FOR first=1 TO LEN srcLine$
            IF NOT INSTR(tabChars$,srcLine$(first)) THEN EXIT FOR
  285     NEXT first
          IF first>1 THEN LET srcLine$=srcLine$(first TO )
  290     REM PRINT "srcLine$="; PEN 2;srcLine$
          PRINT "line$="; PEN 6;line$
  295     LET srcLineL=LEN srcLine$
  300     IF srcLineL
            PRINT PEN 6;srcLine$
            IF srcLine$(srcLineL)=CHR$ 92
              LET tail$=srcLine$( TO srcLineL-1)
              JOIN TO line$,tail$
              keyinLine line$+srcLine$
              LET line$=""
            END IF
          END IF
  305   LOOP
        IF LEN line$ THEN keyinLine line$
  310   keyinLine "label lastLineByMBimport"
  320   CLOSE #stream
  325 END PROC
  330 DEF PROC keyinLine l$
  335   LOCAL color
        LET color=4
  340   ON ERROR GO TO syntaxError
        KEYIN STR$ lineN+l$
        GO TO printLine
  345   LABEL syntaxError
        KEYIN STR$ lineN+"REM MIS"+"TAKE "+l$
        LET color=2
  355   LABEL printLine
        PRINT lineN; PEN color;l$
  360   LET lineN=lineN+1
  365 END PROC
  370 DEF PROC si
        REM Show input (for debugging)
  375   LOCAL pointer,first,last
        LET pointer=PTR stream,first=FN max(pointer-16,0),last=FN min(pointer+16,LENGTH#stream)
  380   FOR pos=first TO last
          LET char$=INP$(#stream,1),color=7-5*(pos=pointer)
          PRINT PEN color;SHIFT$(char$,4);"(";CODE char$;")";
        NEXT pos
  385   POINT#stream,pointer
  390 END PROC
  395 DEF PROC sr
      END PROC
  400 DEF PROC c
        REM Clear after an error
  405   sr
        CLOSE *
      END PROC
  410 DEF PROC cat drive
        DEFAULT drive=DSTAT(*,8)
        DIR "d"+STR$ (drive)+":*.mb"
      END PROC
  415 DEF PROC d
        REM Delete the imported code
  420   DELETE 1e3 TO
      END PROC
  425 DEF PROC dMBimport
        REM Delete MBimport
  430   DELETE TO VAL "999"
      END PROC
  435 DEF PROC r
        REM Renum MBimport
  440   RENUM TO endOFMBimport LINE 10 STEP 5
      END PROC
  445 DEF PROC s
        REM Save MBimport 1
  450   d
        ERASE "MBimport1~"
        RENAME "MBimport1","MBimport1~"
        SAVE "MBimport1"
      END PROC
  455 LABEL endOfMBimport
  999 LABEL lastLineByMBimport
      REM This line must be 999

MBimport 2

The second version is faster and easier to use. It allows to import programs bigger than 16 KiB in a single step. The source code is extracted from the sectors of a fake MGT disk image. That means the maximum length of the source code is 800 KiB, the raw capacity of an MGT disk.

The procedure d2s ("disk to SAM") does all the work.

To increase the speed, this version doesn't join the splitted lines or remove indentation. Those tasks must be done by the host system.

   10 REM MBimport 2 (version A-20110907)
      (C) 2011 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)
      License programandala.net/license
   15 MODE 1
   20 DEF PROC about
        CLS #
        PRINT PEN 5;"MBimport 2"'"Copyright (C) 2011 Marcos Cruz"'"(programandala.net)"''
      END PROC
   25 DEF PROC import drive,lineN
        REM "From disk image to SAM"
   30   DEFAULT drive=2,lineN=endOfMBimport+1
   35   LOCAL srcLine$,buffer,bufferEnd,cr$,endOfSource
   40   LET cr$=CHR$ 13,endOfSource=0
   45   LOCAL sectorLen,track,sector,sliceStart,CRPos,lastTrack
   50   LET sectorLen=512,track=0,sector=1,CRPos=0,lastTrack=79 BOR 128
   55   IF RAMTOP<81919 THEN PRINT "Error: RAMTOP<81919"'"Press any key to do "; BRIGHT 1;"CLEAR 81919"; BRIGHT 0'"and then try again."
          CLEAR 81919
   60   LET buffer=RAMTOP,bufferEnd=buffer+sectorLen-1
   70   loadSector
   75   DO
   80     diskTo srcLine$
   85   EXIT IF endOfSource
   90     PRINT AT 0,0;lineN
   95     KEYIN STR$ lineN+srcLine$
  100     LET lineN=lineN+1
  105   LOOP
  110   keyinLine "label lastLineByMBimport"
  120 END PROC
  125 DEF PROC diskTo REF diskLine$
  130   LET diskLine$=""
  135   IF NOT PEEK (sliceStart) THEN debug "Zero found"
          LET endOfSource=1
          EXIT PROC
  140   DO
  145     LET crPos=LOCN(sliceStart,bufferEnd,cr$,ABS )
  150     debug "crPos="+STR$ crPos+(" (+"+STR$ (crPos-buffer)+")") AND crPos
  155     IF crPos
  160       LET diskLine$=diskLine$+MEM$(sliceStart TO crPos-1)
  165       IF crPos=bufferEnd THEN feedBuffer
            ELSE LET sliceStart=crPos+1
  170     ELSE
  175       LET diskLine$=diskLine$+MEM$(sliceStart TO bufferEnd)
  180     END IF
  185   LOOP UNTIL crPos
  190 END PROC
  195 DEF PROC feedBuffer
  200   debug "feedBuffer (current sector is "+STR$ sector+"/"+STR$ track+")"
  205   nextSector
  210 END PROC
  215 DEF PROC loadSector d,t,s
  220   DEFAULT d=drive,t=track,s=sector
  225   debug "loadSector ("+STR$ sector+"/"+STR$ track+")"
  230   READ AT d,t,s,buffer,1
  235   LET sliceStart=buffer
  240 END PROC
  245 DEF PROC nextSector
  250   debug "nextSector (current is "+STR$ sector+")"
  255   IF sector<10 THEN LET sector=sector+1
        ELSE nextTrack
  260 END PROC
  265 DEF PROC nextTrack
  270   debug "nextTrack (current is "+STR$ track+")"
  275   IF track=lastTrack THEN wipeBuffer
          LET endOfSource=1
          EXIT PROC
  280   IF FN side0(track)
  285     DoSide1 track
  290   ELSE doSide0 track
          LET track=track+1
  295   END IF
  300   LET sector=1
  305 END PROC
  310 DEF FN side0(t)=t<80
  315 DEF PROC doSide1 REF track
  320   debug "doSide1"
  325   LET track=track+128
  330 END PROC
  335 DEF PROC doSide0 REF track
  340   debug "doSide0"
  345   LET track=track-128
  350 END PROC
  355 DEF PROC debug message$,color
  360   DEFAULT color=2
  365   REM PRINT PEN color;message$
        REM PAUSE 
  370 END PROC
  375 DEF PROC keyinLine l$
  380   LOCAL color
        LET color=4
  385   ON ERROR GO TO syntaxError
        KEYIN STR$ lineN+l$
        GO TO printLine
  390   LABEL syntaxError
        KEYIN STR$ lineN+"REM MIS"+"TAKE "+l$
        LET color=2
  400   LABEL printLine
        PRINT lineN; PEN color;l$
  405   LET lineN=lineN+1
  410 END PROC
  415 DEF PROC sr
      END PROC
  420 DEF PROC c
        REM Clear after an error
  425   sr
        CLOSE *
      END PROC
  430 DEF PROC d
        REM Delete the imported code
  435   DELETE endOfMBimport+1 TO
      END PROC
  440 DEF PROC dMBimport
        REM Delete MBimport
  445   DELETE TO endOfMBimport
      END PROC
  450 DEF PROC r
        REM Renum MBimport
  455   RENUM TO endOFMBimport-1 LINE 10 STEP 5
      END PROC
  460 DEF PROC s
        REM Save MBimport
  465   d
        ERASE "MBimport2~"
        RENAME "MBimport2","MBimport2~"
        SAVE "MBimport2"
      END PROC
  999 LABEL endOfMBimport
      REM The first line of the imported code will be one more than this one.

MBimport 3

The third version is the simplest method: It reads the source code from a serial file, line after line, from a real MGT disk image.

The source code has to be copied into the MGT disk image using the program SAM Diskimage Manager, (written by Edwin Blink in 2000). It's a program for Windows 95/95, but it works fine on GNU/Linux with Wine.

The source code will be added by SAM Diskimage Manager as a SAM CODE file; but MasterBASIC can open it like an OPENTYPE file. Unlike with normal OPENTYPE files, this way the first nine bytes must be skipped (they are the file header): OPEN #4,"filename" IN:let useless$=INP$(#4,9).

    1 REM MBimport 3 (Version A-20110907)
      (C) 2011 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)
      License programandala.net/license
    2 MODE 1
    3 DEF PROC about
        CLS #
        PRINT PEN 5;"MBimport 3"'"Copyright (C) 2011 Marcos Cruz"'"(programandala.net)"''
      END PROC
    4 DEF PROC import file$,lineN
    5   DEFAULT lineN=lastLineByMBimport+1
    6   LOCAL line$,stream
        LET line$="",stream=4
    7   about
    9   CLOSE #stream
        OPEN #stream,file$ IN
        LET line$=INP$(#stream,9)
   10   DO WHILE NOT EOF stream
   11     INPUT #stream; LINE line$
   12     REM LET line$=STR$ lineN+" "+line$
          PRINT line$
          KEYIN line$
          REM Alternative 1, no error checking
   13      KeyinLine line$
          REM Alternative 2, with error checking
   14     LET lineN=lineN+1
   15   LOOP
   16   KEYIN "label lastLineByMBimport"
   17   CLOSE #stream
   19   DEF PROC keyinLine l$
   20     ON ERROR GO TO syntaxError
          KEYIN STR$ lineN+l$
          ON ERROR STOP
          EXIT PROC
   21     LABEL syntaxError
          ON ERROR STOP
          PRINT lineN; PEN 2;l$
          KEYIN STR$ lineN+"REM MIS"+"TAKE "+l$
   22   END PROC
   23   DEF PROC sr
        END PROC
   24   DEF PROC c
          REM Clear after an error
   25     sr
          CLOSE *
        END PROC
   26   DEF PROC d
          REM Delete the imported code
   27     DELETE lastLineByMBimport+1 TO
        END PROC
   28   DEF PROC dMBimport
          REM Delete MBimport
   29     DELETE TO VAL "99"
        END PROC
   30   DEF PROC r
          REM Renum MBimport
   31     RENUM TO endOFMBimport LINE 1 STEP 1
        END PROC
   32   DEF PROC s
          REM Save MBimport 3
   33     d
          ERASE "MBimport3~"
          RENAME "MBimport3","MBimport3~"
          SAVE "MBimport3"
        END PROC
   34   LABEL endOfMBimport
   99   LABEL lastLineByMBimport
        REM This line must be 99

MBimport 4

The fourth version is a modified copy of the second version. It was created in 2012-11 in order to check the influence of label in the keyin's errors. Every label was removed from the program. Also the debug code was removed, what makes the program a bit faster.

    1 REM MBimport 4 (version A-20121208)
      (C) 2012 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)
      License programandala.net/license
    2 REM Change log
      2012-11-15, first version, copy of MBimport 2 without labels
      2012-11-16, debug checks removed.
      2012-11-20, instructions,error report.
      2012-12-06, better instructions; mode 3.
      2012-12-08, better instructions; better final error message.
    3 screenConfig
    4 DEF PROC screenConfig scrMode
        DEFAULT scrMode=3
    5   MODE scrMode
        IF scrMode=1
          LET black=0,green=4,red=2,white=7
          LET black=0,green=1,red=2,white=3
          PALETTE black,0
          PALETTE green,68
          PALETTE red,2
          PALETTE white,15
        END IF
    6   PAPER black
        PEN white
        BORDER black
      END PROC
    7 DEF PROC about
        PRINT "MBimport 4"'"Copyright (C) 2012 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)"''"Usage:"
    8   PRINT '"1) Make sure there's enough memory for your program to be imported."'"   Use FREE, FPAGES, OPEN and CLEAR if needed."
    9   PRINT '"2) Insert into drive 2 the fake MGT disk image created by MBim2MB."
   10   PRINT '"3) Type the command 'IMPORT'."'"   If the disk image is in drive 1, use 'IMPORT 1' instead."
   11   PRINT '"If the import process fails with the error message ""Not understood"" and the source"'"line is right (it's in 'srcLine$'), simply try CONTINUE. It's a KEYIN's bug."
   12   PRINT '"For more details see:"'"<http://programandala.net/en.program.mbim>"
   13 END PROC
   14 DEF PROC import drive,lineN
        DEFAULT drive=2,lineN=MBimport4Top+1
   15   LOCAL srcLine$,buffer,bufferEnd,cr$,endOfSource,sectorLen,track,sector,sliceStart,CRPos,lastTrack,errors
   16   LET cr$=CHR$ 13,endOfSource=0,sectorLen=512,track=0,sector=1,CRPos=0,lastTrack=79 BOR 128,buffer=RAMTOP,bufferEnd=buffer+sectorLen-1,errors=0
   17   CLS
   18   DO
          diskTo srcLine$
        EXIT IF endOfSource
          keyinLine srcLine$
   19   done
   20 END PROC
   21 DEF PROC done
   22   PRINT '"Done!"
   23   errorReport
   24   PRINT '"Press the space bar to delete"'"MBimport and renumber your"'"program, or any other key to"'"stop and do it manually"'"(DELETE TO ";MBimport4Top;")."
   25   GET key$
        IF key$=" " THEN KEYIN "delete to mbimport4top:renum:scroll restore:list:stop"
        ELSE STOP
   26 END PROC
   27 DEF PROC errorReport
   28   IF NOT errors THEN EXIT PROC
   29   PRINT ' PAPER red; BRIGHT 1;"Warning:"
   30   IF errors=1
          PRINT "There was one syntax error.";
        ELSE IF errors>1
          PRINT "There were ";errors;" syntax errors.";
        END IF
   31   PRINT " 'REM MISTAKE' has been prefixed to the wrong line";"s" AND (errors>1);"."'
   32 END PROC
   33 DEF PROC diskTo REF diskLine$
   34   LET diskLine$=""
   35   IF NOT PEEK (sliceStart) THEN
          LET endOfSource=1
          EXIT PROC
   36   DO
   37     LET crPos=LOCN(sliceStart,bufferEnd,cr$,ABS )
   38     IF crPos
   39       LET diskLine$=diskLine$+MEM$(sliceStart TO crPos-1)
   40       IF crPos=bufferEnd THEN feedBuffer
            ELSE LET sliceStart=crPos+1
   41     ELSE
   42       LET diskLine$=diskLine$+MEM$(sliceStart TO bufferEnd)
   43     END IF
   44   LOOP UNTIL crPos
   45 END PROC
   46 DEF PROC feedBuffer
      END PROC
   47 DEF PROC loadSector d,t,s
        DEFAULT d=drive,t=track,s=sector
        READ AT d,t,s,buffer,1
        LET sliceStart=buffer
      END PROC
   48 DEF PROC nextSector
        IF sector<10 THEN LET sector=sector+1
        ELSE nextTrack
   49 END PROC
   50 DEF PROC nextTrack
   51   IF track=lastTrack THEN wipeBuffer
          LET endOfSource=1
          EXIT PROC
   52   IF FN side0(track)
          DoSide1 track
        ELSE doSide0 track
          LET track=track+1
        END IF
   53   LET sector=1
   54 END PROC
   55 DEF FN side0(t)=t<80
   56 DEF PROC doSide1 REF track
        LET track=track+128
      END PROC
   57 DEF PROC doSide0 REF track
        LET track=track-128
      END PROC
   58 DEF PROC debug message$,color
   59   DEFAULT color=red
   60   PRINT PEN color;message$
   61   PAUSE
   62 END PROC
   63 DEF PROC keyinLine l$
   64   LOCAL color
        LET color=green
   65   ON ERROR GO TO syntaxError
        KEYIN STR$ lineN+" "+l$
        GO TO printLine
   66   LABEL syntaxError
        LET errors=errors+1
        KEYIN STR$ lineN+"REM MISTAKE "+l$
        LET color=red
   67   LABEL printLine
        PRINT lineN-MBimport4Top; PEN color;l$
   68   LET lineN=lineN+1
   69 END PROC
   70 DEF PROC d4
        DELETE TO MBimport4Top
      END PROC
   71 DEF PROC r4
        RENUM TO MBimport4Top LINE 1 STEP 1
      END PROC
   72 DEF PROC s4
        ERASE "MBimport4~"
        RENAME "MBimport4","MBimport4~"
        SAVE "MBimport4" LINE 1
      END PROC
   73 LABEL MBimport4Top
      REM The first line number of the imported code will be one more than this one.

MBimport 5

    1 REM MBimport 5 (version A-02-201212081830)
      (C) 2012 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)
      License programandala.net/license
    2 MODE 3
      CLS #
      MOVE "usage5" TO #2
    3 DEF PROC import drive
        DEFAULT drive=2
        LET cr$=CHR$ 13,endOfSource=0,sectorLen=512,sectorsPerTrack=10,trackLen=sectorsPerTrack*sectorLen,track=127,crPos=0,lastTrack=79 BOR 128,buffer=RAMTOP,bufferEnd=buffer+trackLen-1,lineN=1
        MODE 2
        CLS #
    4   DO
        EXIT IF NOT PEEK (sliceStart)
          LET l$=""
            LET crPos=LOCN(sliceStart,bufferEnd,cr$,ABS )
            IF crPos
              LET l$=l$+MEM$(sliceStart TO crPos-1)
              IF crPos=bufferEnd
              ELSE LET sliceStart=crPos+1
              END IF
            ELSE LET l$=l$+MEM$(sliceStart TO bufferEnd)
            END IF
          LOOP UNTIL crPos
          PRINT AT 0,0;lineN
          KEYIN l$
          LET lineN=lineN+1
        KEYIN "delete to MBimport5Top:renum line 1 step 1:cls#:print ""Done!"":scroll restore:list:stop"
      END PROC
    5 DEF PROC feedBuffer
        IF track=lastTrack
          LET endOfSource=1
          IF track<80
            LET track=track BOR 128
          ELSE LET track=track-127
          END IF
          READ AT drive,track,1,buffer,10
          LET sliceStart=buffer
        END IF
      END PROC
    6 DEF PROC s5
        DELETE MBimport5Top+1 TO
        RENUM LINE 1 STEP 1
        SAVE OVER "MBimport5" LINE 1
      END PROC
    7 LABEL MBimport5Top


This tool creates a text file in the disk, containing the usage instructions of MBimport 5. This make MBimport 5 smaller.

// mkusage5.mbim

rem mkusage5 (version A-00-20121208):\
    (C) 2012 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net):\
    "License: http://programandala.net/license"


  This program creates a disk file with the usage instructions of MBimport 5.

  See <http://programandala.net/en.program.mbim.mbimport>.


  2012-12-08. First version. Texts taken from MBimport 5.


#firstline 0  // no line numbers; MBimport 4 will be used to import the code

// Config

mode 3:\

let file=4,file$="usage5" // destination file

// About

print "mkusage5"
print "(C) 2012 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)"
print '"This program creates a disk file with the usage instructions of MBimport 5."
print '"See <http://programandala.net/en.program.mbim> for more details."
print '"Type 'go' to run"

defproc go

  // Create the usage file.

  if fstat(file$,1) then erase file$
  open#file;file$ out

  type "MBimport 5"
  type "Copyright (C) 2012 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)"
  type ""
  type "Usage:"
  type "1) Make sure there's enough memory for your program."
  type "   Use 'OPEN n' to add more 16 KiB pages to BASIC, and 'CLEAR x' to set the RAMTOP."
  type "   Example:   PRINT FREE: REM free memory available for BASIC"
  type "              PRINT FPAGES: REM unused 16 KiB memory pages"
  type "              OPEN 3: REM reserve 3 more pages for BASIC"
  type "              CLEAR RAMTOP+3*16384: REM move the RAMTOP accordingly"
  type "2) Introduce your '*.mbim.mb.mgt.gz' or '*.mbim.mb.mgt.zip' file into drive 2."
  type "3) Use 'IMPORT' to import the source from drive 2."
  type ""
  type "If the program stops with the error 'Not understood', you can examine the latest"
  type "imported line with 'PRINT l$'. If it's wrong, you can fix it with 'EDIT l$' and"
  type "'CONTINUE'. If it's right, the problem is some bug in 'KEYIN', but 'CONTINUE'"
  type "works and the line is added to the program."
  type ""
  type "See <http://programandala.net/en.program.mbim> for more details."

  print "Done!"
  print "Type 'show' to see the result."


defproc type line$

  // Create a line of the usage file.

  print #file;line$
  rem print line$


defproc show

  // Show the usage file.

  open#file;file$ in
  do until eof file
    input#file; line l$
    print l$


defproc s:\
  save over "mkusage5" line 10:\


The MGT disk image contains:

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