Spock IV
Description of the page content
Multilingual version of the game "Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock", written in 4tH for one player.
Project developed from 2012-04-08 to 2012-04-14.
I wrote this port of Spock! in order to try the 4tH language. 4tH is a close relative of Forth that looks Forth but actually is not Forth; it is an interesting programming language with many useful features and an excellent documentation.
Both versions of the game are almost identical. Nevertheless Spock IV is a bit less user-friendly because the player has to finish every input with the Return key. It's multilingual (in Spanish, Esperanto and American English). and the language can be changed during the game.
Source code
\ spock_iv.4th
\ "Spock IV"
\ Version 0.1.0+202001192042
\ (http://programandala.net/en.program.spock_iv.html)
\ A multilingual (English, Esperanto and Spanish) implementation
\ of "Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock", written in the 4tH
\ programming language (http://www.xs4all.nl/~thebeez/4tH).
\ Based on the Gforth version by the same author:
\ http://programandala.net/en.program.spock.html
\ Copyright (C) 2012,2019,2020 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)
\ Spock IV is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
\ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
\ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
\ Spock IV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ General Public License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
\ along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses .
\ ==============================================================
\ Stack notation
\ a = memory address
\ a len = memory region
\ c = character
\ ca = character-aligned memory address
\ ca len = character string
\ f = flag: 0|1
\ fn = flag: 0|non-zero
\ len = length: unsigned 32-bit number
\ max = signed 32-bit number
\ min = signed 32-bit number
\ n = signed 32-bit number
\ u = unsigned 32-bit number
\ x = undefined element
\ .. = range
\ "name" = space delimited text in the input stream
\ "text" = text in the input stream
\ ==============================================================
\ Requirements and common words
include lib/choose.4th \ choose random randomize
include lib/range.4th \ between
include lib/termansi.4th \ page
include lib/null.4th \ null
include lib/row.4th \ row num-key
include lib/ansfacil.4th \ ms
include lib/ansdbl.4th \ d=
false [if]
include lib/comus.4th \ on off
: on ( a -- ) true swap ! ;
: off ( a -- ) false swap ! ;
false [if]
include lib/toolbelt.4th \ ++
: ++ ( a -- ) 1 swap +! ;
: at ( n a1 -- a2 ) swap th ;
: s@ ( a1 -- a2 u2 ) @c count ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Languages
enum spanish
enum esperanto
enum english
constant languages \ Number of languages.
variable language \ Current language.
: language+ ( a1 -- a2 )
language @ th ;
\ a1 = Address of a multilingual element in a table.
\ a2 = Actual address of the element in the current language.
: language_string ( a1 -- a2 u2 )
language+ s@ ;
\ a1 = Address of a table of multilingual strings.
\ a2 u2 = String in the current language.
\ Menu option to change the current language:
create (not_in_language$)
," No en castellano."
," Ne en Esperanto."
," Not in English."
: not_in_language$ ( -- ca len ) (not_in_language$) language_string ;
: .not_in_language ( -- ) not_in_language$ type ;
char + constant language_key \ Key that changes the current language.
: next_language ( u1 -- u2 ) 1+ dup languages < * ;
: language++ ( -- ) language @ next_language language ! ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Pauses and keyboard
true [if]
\ 4tH doesn't provide a way to read one single key press
\ because it's not part of the C C89/C99 standard.
\ We provide a fake 'key' that needs the return key:
13 constant carriage_return
: key ( -- c )
pad 1 accept drop pad c@
dup 0= carriage_return * + ; \ Default, instead of zero.
\ This alternative could solve the problem in theory,
\ but it doesn't work as expected
\ because the obsolete 'expect' is defined with 'accept':
include lib/obsolete.4th \ expect
: key ( -- c ) pad 2 expect pad 1+ c@ ;
: wait ( -- ) key drop ;
: seconds ( u -- ) 1000 * ms ;
: .prompt ( -- ) cr cr ." > " ;
create (press_key$)
," Pulsa Intro para continuar." \ Spanish.
," Premu la enig-klavon por plui." \ Esperanto.
," Press Return to continue." \ English.
: press_key$ ( -- ca len ) (press_key$) language_string ;
: press_key ( -- ) press_key$ cr type .prompt wait ;
\ ==============================================================
\ About
s" Spock IV" sconstant title$
: .title ( -- ) title$ type cr cr ;
create (long_title$)
," ¡Piedra, papel, tijera, lagarto, Spock!" \ Spanish.
," Ŝtono, papero, tondilo, lacerto, Spock!" \ Esperanto.
," Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock!" \ English.
: long_title$ ( -- ca len ) (long_title$) language_string ;
: .long_title ( -- ) long_title$ type cr cr ;
: copyright
." Copyright (C) 2012 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)" cr cr ;
: license
." Spock IV is free software; you can redistribute it and/or" cr
." modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public" cr
." License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either" cr
." version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version." cr ;
: about ( -- ) copyright 1 seconds license 3 seconds ;
: splash ( -- ) page .title about press_key ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Commands
enum lizard
enum paper
enum rock
enum scissors
enum spock
constant commands \ Number of commands.
create command_names
," lagarto" ," lacerto" ," lizard"
," papel" ," papero" ," paper"
," piedra" ," ŝtono" ," rock"
," tijera" ," tondilo" ," scissors"
," Spock" ," Spock" ," Spock"
: command_name ( u1 -- a2 u2 )
languages * language @ + command_names at s@ ;
\ u1 = Command number.
\ a2 u2 = Command name.
: .command_name ( u -- ) command_name type ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Score
10 constant max_score
variable your_score
variable my_score
create (your_score$)
," Tu puntuación"
," Viaj poentoj"
," Your score"
: your_score$ ( -- ca len ) (your_score$) language_string ;
create (my_score$)
," Mi puntuación"
," Miaj poentoj"
," My score"
: my_score$ ( -- ca len ) (my_score$) language_string ;
: .score ( ca len -- ) type s" : " type ;
: .your_score ( -- ) your_score$ .score your_score ? ;
: .my_score ( -- ) my_score$ .score my_score ? ;
: .scores ( -- ) cr cr .your_score cr .my_score cr ;
: max? ( a -- f ) @ max_score = ;
: you_win_game? ( -- f ) your_score max? ;
: i_win_game? ( -- f ) my_score max? ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Command selection
variable your_command
variable my_command
: choices ( -- u1 u2 ) my_command @ your_command @ ;
char 0 constant "0"
: digit ( u -- c ) "0" + ;
: option ( c -- u ) "0" - ;
: command_key? ( c -- f ) "0" commands 1- digit between ;
: language_key? ( c -- f ) language_key = dup if language++ then ;
: valid_key? ( c -- f ) dup language_key? swap command_key? or ;
: your_key ( -- c ) 0 begin drop key dup valid_key? until ;
variable accusative \ Show the Esperanto commands in accusative?
: esperanto? ( -- f ) language @ esperanto = ;
: accusative? ( -- f ) esperanto? accusative @ and ;
: (.accusative) ( u -- ) spock = if ." -on" else ." n" then ;
: .accusative ( u -- ) accusative? if (.accusative) else drop then ;
: .choice ( u -- ) dup .command_name .accusative [char] . emit ;
: .command_option ( u -- ) dup cr . ." = " .choice ;
: .command_options ( -- ) commands 0 do i .command_option loop ;
: .language_option ( -- ) cr cr language_key emit ." = " .not_in_language ;
: .options ( -- ) cr accusative off .command_options .language_option ;
create (choose$)
," Elige:"
," Elektu:"
," Choose:"
: choose$ ( -- ca len ) (choose$) language_string ;
: .choose ( -- ) choose$ type ;
: menu ( -- ) page .long_title .choose .options .prompt ;
: your_choice ( -- u)
0 begin drop menu your_key
dup command_key? until option ;
: my_choice ( -- u ) commands choose ;
create (you_choosed$)
," Has sacado"
," Vi elektis"
," You choosed"
: you_choosed$ ( -- ca len ) (you_choosed$) language_string ;
: .you_choosed ( -- ) you_choosed$ type space ;
create (i_choosed$)
," Yo he sacado"
," Mi elektis"
," I choosed"
: i_choosed$ ( -- ca len ) (i_choosed$) language_string ;
: .i_choosed ( -- ) i_choosed$ type space ;
: .your_choice ( -- ) .you_choosed your_command @ accusative on .choice ;
: .my_choice ( -- ) .i_choosed my_command @ .choice ;
: .choices ( -- ) .your_choice cr .my_choice ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Versus
commands commands [*] array winners
winners commands commands [*] cells erase
: >winner ( u1 u2 -- a ) commands * + winners + ;
\ Point to an element of the 'winners' table.
\ u1 = Computer's command.
\ u2 = Human's command.
: winner ( u1 u2 -- ) >winner on ;
\ Mark a combination of commands as winner (the computer wins).
\ u1 = Computer's command.
\ u2 = Human's command.
: winner? ( u1 u2 -- f ) >winner @ ;
\ u1 = Computer's command.
\ u2 = Human's command.
\ Setup the 'winners' table
\ with the combinations the computer wins
\ (first, computer's command; second, human's command):
lizard paper winner
lizard spock winner
paper rock winner
paper spock winner
rock lizard winner
rock scissors winner
scissors lizard winner
scissors paper winner
spock rock winner
spock scissors winner
create (i_win$)
," Yo gano."
," Mi venkis."
," I win."
: i_win$ ( -- ca len ) (i_win$) language_string ;
create (you_win$)
," Tú ganas."
," Vi venkis."
," You win."
: you_win$ ( -- ca len ) (you_win$) language_string ;
: i_win_round ( -- ) i_win$ type my_score ++ ;
: you_win_round ( -- ) you_win$ type your_score ++ ;
\ Explanations' pointers:
enum noone_wins
enum rock_wins_scissors
enum paper_wins_rock
enum scissors_wins_paper
enum lizard_wins_spock
enum rock_wins_lizard
enum scissors_wins_lizard
enum lizard_wins_paper
enum spock_wins_rock
enum paper_wins_spock
enum spock_wins_scissors
create explanations \ Multilingual string elements,
\ in the same order the pointers were defined:
\ Pointed by 'noone_wins':
," Empate."
," Remiso."
," Tie."
\ Pointed by 'rock_wins_scissors':
," La piedra rompe la tijera."
," La ŝtono rompas la tondilon."
," The rock crushes the scissors."
\ Pointed by 'paper_wins_rock':
," El papel envuelve la piedra."
," La papero envolvas la ŝtonon."
," The paper covers the rock."
\ Pointed by 'scissors_wins_paper':
," La tijera corta el papel."
," La tondilo tondas la paperon."
," The scissors cut the paper."
\ Pointed by 'lizard_wins_spock':
," El lagarto envenena a Spock."
," La lacerto venenas Spock-on."
," The lizard poisons Spock."
\ Pointed by 'rock_wins_lizard':
," La piedra aplasta el lagarto."
," La ŝtono premplatigas la lacerton."
," The rock crushes the lizard."
\ Pointed by 'scissors_wins_lizard':
," La tijera decapita el lagarto."
," La tondilo senkapigas la lacerton."
," The scissors decapitate the lizard."
\ Pointed by 'lizard_wins_paper':
," El lagarto come el papel."
," La lacerto manĝas la paperon."
," The lizard eats the paper."
\ Pointed by 'spock_wins_rock':
," Spock vaporiza la piedra."
," Spock vaporigas la ŝtonon."
," Spock vaporizes the rock."
\ Pointed by 'paper_wins_spock':
," El papel desautoriza a Spock."
," La papero senrajtigas Spock-on."
," The paper disproves Spock."
\ Pointed by 'spock_wins_scissors':
," Spock rompe la tijera."
," Spock rompas la tondilon."
," Spock smashes the scissors."
true [if] \ First method.
: versus ( u1 u2 -- u3 )
commands * + ;
\ u1 = Computer's command.
\ u2 = Human's command.
\ u3 = Identifier of the commands combination.
create >explanations
\ First field: identifier of a commands combination.
\ Second field: element in the 'explanations' table.
lizard lizard commands [*] [+] , noone_wins ,
lizard paper commands [*] [+] , lizard_wins_paper ,
lizard rock commands [*] [+] , rock_wins_lizard ,
lizard scissors commands [*] [+] , scissors_wins_lizard ,
lizard spock commands [*] [+] , lizard_wins_spock ,
paper lizard commands [*] [+] , lizard_wins_paper ,
paper paper commands [*] [+] , noone_wins ,
paper rock commands [*] [+] , paper_wins_rock ,
paper scissors commands [*] [+] , scissors_wins_paper ,
paper spock commands [*] [+] , paper_wins_spock ,
rock lizard commands [*] [+] , rock_wins_lizard ,
rock paper commands [*] [+] , paper_wins_rock ,
rock rock commands [*] [+] , noone_wins ,
rock scissors commands [*] [+] , rock_wins_scissors ,
rock spock commands [*] [+] , spock_wins_rock ,
scissors lizard commands [*] [+] , scissors_wins_lizard ,
scissors paper commands [*] [+] , scissors_wins_paper ,
scissors rock commands [*] [+] , rock_wins_scissors ,
scissors scissors commands [*] [+] , noone_wins ,
scissors spock commands [*] [+] , spock_wins_scissors ,
spock spock commands [*] [+] , noone_wins ,
spock lizard commands [*] [+] , lizard_wins_spock ,
spock paper commands [*] [+] , paper_wins_spock ,
spock rock commands [*] [+] , spock_wins_rock ,
spock scissors commands [*] [+] , spock_wins_scissors ,
null ,
: >explanation ( u1 -- u2 )
>explanations 2 num-key row drop nip cell+ @c ;
\ u1 = Identifier of a commands combination.
\ u2 = Element in the 'explanations' table.
: explanation ( u -- a1 u1 )
>explanation languages * language @ + explanations at s@ ;
\ u = Identifier of a commands combination.
\ a1 u1 = Explanation in the current language.
: .explanation ( u1 u2 -- )
versus explanation type ;
\ u1 = Computer's command.
\ u2 = Human's command.
[else] \ Alternative method in version B-01.
create >explanations
\ First field: lower command
\ Second field: higher command
\ Third field: element in the 'explanations' table.
lizard , paper , lizard_wins_paper ,
lizard , rock , rock_wins_lizard ,
lizard , scissors , scissors_wins_lizard ,
lizard , spock , lizard_wins_spock ,
paper , rock , paper_wins_rock ,
paper , scissors , scissors_wins_paper ,
paper , spock , paper_wins_spock ,
rock , scissors , rock_wins_scissors ,
rock , spock , spock_wins_rock ,
scissors , spock , spock_wins_scissors ,
: (>explanation) ( u1 u2 -- u3 )
2dup max >r min >r
begin ( a1 )
dup @c swap cell+ dup @c ( u1 a2 u2 )
swap cell+ cell+ rot rot ( a1' u1 u2 )
2r@ d=
until cell- ( a3 ) @c r> r> 2drop ;
\ u1 = Computer's command.
\ u2 = Human's command.
\ u3 = Element in the 'explanations' table.
\ a1 = Address of a first field in the '>explanations' table.
\ a1' = Address of a first field in the '>explanations' table.
\ a2 = Address of a second field in the '>explanations' table.
\ a3 = Address of a third field in the '>explanations' table.
: >explanation ( u1 u2 -- u3 )
2dup = if 2drop noone_wins else (>explanation) then ;
\ u1 = Computer's command.
\ u2 = Human's command.
\ u3 = Element in the 'explanations' table.
: explanation ( u1 u2 -- a3 u3 )
>explanation languages * language @ + explanations at s@ ;
\ u1 = Computer's command.
\ u2 = Human's command.
\ a3 u3 = Explanation in the current language.
: .explanation ( u1 u2 -- )
explanation type ;
\ u1 = Computer's command.
\ u2 = Human's command.
: i_win_round? ( -- f ) choices winner? ;
: (.round_winner)
i_win_round? if i_win_round else you_win_round then ;
: tie? ( -- f ) choices = ;
: .round_winner ( -- ) tie? 0= if (.round_winner) then ;
: .result ( -- ) choices .explanation space .round_winner ;
: .results ( -- ) page .choices cr cr .result .scores press_key ;
\ ==============================================================
\ The end
create (i_won_game$)
," He ganado la partida."
," Mi venkis la ludon."
," I won the game."
: i_won_game$ ( -- a u) (i_won_game$) language_string ;
create (you_won_game$)
," Has ganado la partida."
," Vi venkis la ludon."
," You won the game."
: you_won_game$ ( -- a u) (you_won_game$) language_string ;
: game_winner$ ( -- ca len )
you_win_game? if you_won_game$ else i_won_game$ then ;
: .game_winner ( -- ) game_winner$ type ;
: game_over ( -- ) page .game_winner .scores ;
: game_over? ( -- f ) you_win_game? i_win_game? or ;
create (press_space$)
," Pulsa solo Intro para jugar de nuevo; cualquier otra cosa para terminar."
," Premu nur la enig-klavon por reludi; ion alian por fini."
," Press just Return to play again; anything else to finish."
: press_space$ ( -- ca len ) (press_space$) language_string ;
: .press_space ( -- ) cr press_space$ type ;
create (good_bye$)
," ¡Adiós!"
," Adiaŭ!"
," Bye!"
: good_bye$ ( -- ca len ) (good_bye$) language_string ;
: .good_bye ( -- ) good_bye$ type cr ;
: enough? ( -- f ) .press_space .prompt key carriage_return <> ;
: farewell ( -- ) page .good_bye 2 seconds quit ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Init
: init_once ( -- ) randomize english language ! ;
: init_game ( -- ) your_score off my_score off ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Game
: i_play ( -- ) my_choice my_command ! ;
: you_play ( -- ) your_choice your_command ! ;
: turn ( -- ) i_play you_play .results ;
: game ( -- ) init_game begin turn game_over? until game_over ;
: main ( -- ) init_once splash begin game enough? until farewell ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Debugging tools
false [if]
: (.) ( n -- ) dup ." (" 0 .r ." )" ;
: hr ( -- ) cr ." -------------------------------" cr ;
: .explanations
\ Show the results of all command combinations,
\ sorted by language and command.
languages 0 do i language !
commands 0 do
commands 0 do
i dup .command_name (.)
." vs "
j dup .command_name (.) ." = "
i j .explanation wait
loop hr wait
loop ;
: (.explanations2) ( u1 u2 -- )
\ Show the result of two commands, in every language.
\ u1 = Computer's command.
\ u2 = Human's command.
languages 0 do i language !
2dup 2dup .command_name ." vs " .command_name ." : "
.explanation cr
loop 2drop ;
: .explanations2
\ Show the results of all command combinations,
\ sorted by command and language.
commands 0 do
commands 0 do
i j (.explanations2) wait
loop ;
: .names
commands 0 do
i .
languages 0 do i language !
j .command_name space
loop cr
loop hr wait ;
.names cr
.explanations cr
.explanations2 cr
\ ==============================================================
\ Change log
\ 2012-04-08 First version [A-00] based on version
\ A-04-201204080150 of "Spock!". First changes to try to compile
\ it with 4tH.
\ 2012-04-09 More changes.
\ 2012-04-10 Solved how to do the compile-time calcutation of
\ 'max_versus'. Last changes. First successful compilation.
\ British English removed.
\ 2012-04-12 Solved how to arrange the explanations: two tables:
\ one for texts in all languages, other for the index. The
\ 'versus' calculation is simpler now.
\ 2012-04-13 Improved format for the explanations index. Fixed:
\ some '@' changed to '@C'. Fixed 'next_language': the 4tH's
\ 'true' is 1. First working version [A-01].
\ 2012-04-14 Simpler 'seconds', with 'ms'; simpler
\ '.game_winner'. 'init_once' moved to 'main'.
\ 2012-04-15 A bit simpler game loop.
\ 2012-04-16 Pauses modified in 'about'.
\ 2012-05-02 Code revision. First beta version [B-00].
\ Published.
\ 2012-06-14 Bug found by Hans Bezemer: the human always win.
\ 2012-06-15 New debugging words.
\ 2012-06-16 Problems identified and solved:
\ 1- Two wrong elements in the '>explanations' table: 'paper
\ rock commands [*] [+] , scissors_wins_paper ,' 'rock paper
\ commands [*] [+] , scissors_wins_paper ,'
\ 2- The 'winner' table was empty! In the Gforth version the
\ setup was done automatically while creating the data
\ structures.
\ Beside, an alternative method is created, with a smaller
\ '>explanations' table and a different searching. Version
\ B-01.
\ 2019-12-27: Update the URLs, the source style and the stack
\ notation. Change the version number after Semantic Versioning:
\ 0.1.0. Remove old unused code. Improve `winner` with `on`.
\ 2020-01-19: Improve the program description in the header.
First, install 4tH into your system. Then open a terminal and move to the directory where you downloaded the game. Finally, run 4tH with the 'c' (compile) and 'x' (execute) options, and the game file as parameter:
4th cx spock.4th