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Program written in SuperBASIC for the Sinclair QL; it copies ZX Spectrum disks.
I wrote this little program for the QL in order to copy ZX Spectrum's DISCiPLE disks. The source code and the user interface are in Esperanto.
Source code
100 REMark KOPIILO 1.01
110 REMark por DISCiPLE per QL
120 :
130 REMark Copyright (C) 1992 Marcos Cruz (http://programandala.net)
135 REMark Permesilo/Licencia/License: http://programandala.net/permesilo
140 :
150 IMPLICIT% fenestro,rs232,disko, sektoroj,sektoro
160 DIM versio$(4)
170 DIM drajvo$(5)
180 DIM klavo$(1)
190 DIM sektoro$(521)
200 :
210 REPeat tuto
220 :
230 versio$="1.01"
240 drajvo$="ram1_"
250 :
260 fenestro=3:OPEN#fenestro,con_400x100a56x75
270 rs232=4:OPEN_NEW#rs232,ser2
275 DELETE drajvo$&"kopiilo_disk"
280 disko=5:OPEN_NEW#disko,drajvo$&"kopiilo_disk"
290 :
300 PAPER#fenestro,2
310 INK#fenestro,7
320 BORDER#fenestro,2,7
330 CLS#fenestro
340 :
350 PRINT#fenestro,"KOPIILO"!versio$
360 PRINT#fenestro,"por DISCiPLE per QL"
370 PRINT#fenestro,"(C) 1992 Marcos Cruz (http://programandala.net)"
375 PRINT#fenestro,"Permesilo/Licencia/License: http://programandala.net/permesilo"
380 PRINT#fenestro
390 PRINT#fenestro,"Premu K por komenci aux alian klavon por forlasi"
395 CURSOR_ON#fenestro
400 klavo$=INKEY$(#fenestro,-1)
410 IF NOT klavo$ INSTR "Kk"
420 EXIT tuto
430 END IF
440 CLS#fenestro
450 PRINT#fenestro,"Funkciigu KOPIILOn por Spectrum."
460 PRINT#fenestro,"Mi jam funkcias..."
470 :
480 AT#fenestro,3,0
490 PRINT#fenestro,"Restas sektoroj"
500 sektoroj=10*40*2
510 FOR sektoro=sektoroj TO 1 STEP -1
520 AT#fenestro,3,7
530 PRINT#fenestro,sektoro;" "
540 sektoro$=INPUT$(#rs232,521)
550 PRINT#disko,sektoro$;
560 END FOR sektoro
570 :
580 CLS#fenestro
590 CLOSE#rs232
600 CLOSE#disko
610 PRINT#fenestro,"Mi resendas..."
620 COPY drajvo$&"kopiilo_disk",ser2
630 :
640 END REPeat tuto
650 :
660 CLOSE#fenestro
670 CLOSE#rs232
680 CLOSE#disko
690 DELETE drajvo$&"kopiilo_disk"
700 STOP
710 :
720 DEFine PROCedure savu
730 SAVE_O flp2_kopiilo_bas
740 SAVE_O flp2_kopiilo_bas_k
750 END DEFine savu