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Programa escrito en Vim para convertir al formato estándar de Beta BASIC un código fuente de formato BBim.


Este programa escrito en Vim es el corazón de BBim: a partir del código fuente original en formato BBim crea dos ficheros que podrán ser importados por BBimport:

Código fuente

" bbim2bb.vim

" BBim2BB
" Version A-00-20140726
" Copyright (C) 2011,2012,2014 Marcos Cruz (
" License:

" This file is part of BBim:

" This program, written in Vim, converts BBim source code
" into an actual Beta BASIC program
" ready to be imported into a ZX Spectrum emulator
" by BBimport.

" Note:
" This file **must** use the Latin1 (ISO 8859-1) encoding.

" ------------------------------
" History

" 2011-08-30: First draft version, based on vim2mb.vim, by the same
" author.

" 2011-08-31: Some improvements, based on sb2sbsasic,vim, by the same
" author.

" 2011-09-01: Renamed to bbim2bb.vim (formerly bb2bbmgt.vim);
" rearranged, based on mbim2mb.vim.

" 2011-09-10: Labels implemented.

" 2011-09-29: Labels checked and finished; renumbering added;
" BBimTokens().

" 2011-09-30: "silent" command used everywhere; custom messages added.

" 2012-01-25: BBimLabels() fixed: lonely labels had to be joined with
" the next line; optional final ":" removed with labels. These fixes
" were first coded for SBim's SBimLabels().

" 2012-01-27: Fixed the greedy subtitution of block comments.

" 2012-01-28: New feature: import-time commands (marked with a
" semicolon at the start of their lines); their line number is removed.

" 2012-01-28: New feature: #firstline command to define the first line
" that will be used to renumber the final program in Beta BASIC.

" 2012-01-28: Improvement: labels are not case sensitive any more.

" 2012-01-28: Improvement: The .BB and .BB.MGT buffers are actually
" closed with "bw" ("wq" kept them on the list).

" 2012-02-16: Fixed?: "c" parameter removed from the search() in
" BBimLabels(). It caused problems in SBim, the parallel project.

" 2012-03-05: New experimental metacommands (not used yet): #define and
" #substitution.

" 2012-03-05: New metacommands: #vim and #include.

" 2012-03-06: Changed all "normal gg" to "call cursor(1,1)".

" 2012-03-06: BBimInclude() fixed: the filename is get from the current
" line with functions instead of normal-mode register commands, because
" normal-mode cursor movement commands depend on the iskeyword
" variable, what depends on the current syntax: the movement is
" different in the .bbim an the files. 

" 2012-03-08: Clearer substitutions with nr2char() instead inline bytes.
" Added the conversion of embedded bytes (in BASin format: \#nnn).

" 2012-11-17: Usage message at the start. Fixed: "nul" to "/dev/null"

" 2012-12-06: Fixed: 'normal w"lyw' had to be 'normal ww"lyw'. Detected in
" MBim2BB. Improved: '#vim' and '#include' are counted and the count is
" included in the final messages.

" 2014-06-06: Fix: 'l:includedFiles' was not initialized or updated.

" 2014-07-26:
" Improvevement: Possible trailing or leading spaces are removed from
" every regexp in BBimLabels(), because the source code has been already
" cleaned.
" Fix: The regexp used to substitute label references with their values lacked
" a word ending mark; this caused, e.g., the search for '@theEnd' matched
" '@theEnd01'! Beside, also in BBimLabels(), 'set ignorecase' was needed by
" search().  This bugs were found during the development of SinBasic
" (  Fix:

" ------------------------------
" To-do

" Make it possible to write
" several programs in the same BBim source file:
" they would be renumbered apart but exported together
" into one single MGT image, and then imported
" and divided with one single operation.

" ----------------------------------------------

function! BBimClean()

  " Clean off all BBim stuff.

  silent! %s/^\s*#.*$//e " Remove the metacomments
  silent! %s/\s*\/\/.*$//e " Remove the // line comments
  silent %s,^\s*\/\*\_.\{-}\*\/,,e " Remove the /* */ block comments

  silent! %s/^\s*\d\+\s*$//e " Remove lines with the line number only
  " 2012-01-29 xxx old:
  "silent! %s/^\s\+//e " Remove empty lines
  "silent! %s/\n\n\+/\r/eg " Remove empty lines
  " 2012-01-29 xxx new, untested:
  silent! %s/^\n//e " Remove empty lines

  silent %s,^\s*\n,,ge " Remove the empty lines

  silent! %s/^\s*//eg " Remove main indentation
  silent! %s/\s\+$//eg " Remove ending blanks

  silent! %s/\\\s*\n//e " Join the splitted lines
  silent! %s/^\(\d\+\)\s\+/\1/e " Remove the space after the line number

  " Experimental, not implemented yet:
  "silent! %s/^\s*endprog\s\+\([a-zA-Z_-]\+\)/save d*"\1"line 10:delete 10 to/e

  echo 'Source code cleaned.'


" ----------------------------------------------
" Metacommands

function! BBimDefine()

  " xxx experimental Not used yet. BBimVim() can do this and more.

  " Execute all #define metacommands.
  " Syntax:
  " #define regexp new_content

  " Empty dictionary to store the substitutions:
  let l:substitution={}

  call cursor(1,1) " Go to the top of the file.
  " Main loop:
  while search('^\s*#define\s\+\S\+\>','Wc')
    " Store the parameters into register 'p':
    normal w"py$
    " Copy to a variable:
    let l:parameters=getreg('p',1)
    let l:new=matchstr(l:parameters,'\S\+$')
    " xxx debug check
    "echo 'parameters='.l:parameters
    let l:old=matchstr(l:parameters,'^\S\+')
    let l:new=matchstr(l:parameters,'\S\+$')
    " xxx debug check
    "echo 'old='.l:old
    let l:new=matchstr(l:parameters,'\S\+$')
    " xxx debug check
    "echo 'new='.l:new
    " Store them into the dictionary:
    let l:substitution[l:old]=l:new
    " Remove the whole line:
    normal dd

  " Do all substitutions:
  for l:old in keys(l:substitution)
    " xxx debug check
    "echo 'Searching...'.l:old
    call cursor(1,1) " Go to the top of the file.
    " Do the subtitution:
    while search(l:old,'Wc')
      " xxx debug check
      'echo l:old 'label reference found'
      execute 'silent! substitute/'.l:old.'/'.l:substitution[l:old].'/ei'


function! BBimSubstitute()

  " xxx experimental Not used yet. BBimVim() can do this and more.

  " Execute all #substitute metacommands.

  " The #substitute's syntax is identical to Vim's substitute command,
  " but no range or flags can be indicated.

  " No syntax check is done.
  " If the #substitute command is not recognized,
  " it will be part of the Beta BASIC code and will fail at importing-time.
  " If the #substitute command's syntax is not fine,
  " it will fail at translation-time.

  " Examples:
  " #substitute/first_element/second_element/
  " #substitute,first_element,second_element,

  " Empty list to store the substitutions:
  let l:substitution=[]

  call cursor(1,1) " Go to the top of the file.
  " Get all substitutions:
  while search('^\s*#substitute[[:punct:]]','Wc')
    " Store the parameters into register 's':
    normal w"sy$
    " xxx debug check:
    "echo getreg('s',1)
    " Store them into the list:
    call add(l:substitution,getreg('s',1))
    " Remove the whole line:
    normal dd

  " xxx debug check:
  "echo l:substitution

  " Do all substitutions:
  for l:item in l:substitution
    execute 'silent! %substitute'.l:item.'eg'


function! BBimVim()

  " Execute all #vim metacommands.
  " Syntax:
  " #vim Any-Vim-Ex-Command

  call cursor(1,1) " Go to the top of the file.
  let l:vimCommands=0 " Counter
  while search('^\s*#vim\s','Wc')
    let l:vimCommands += 1
    let l:vimCommandLine = line('.')
    let l:vimCommand=matchstr(getline(l:vimCommandLine),'\S\+.*',4)
    execute 'silent! '.l:vimCommand
    call cursor(l:vimCommandLine,1) " Return to the command line.
    call setline('.','') " Blank the line.

  if l:vimCommands==0
    echo 'No Vim command found.'
  elseif l:vimCommands==1
    echo 'One Vim command executed.'
    echo l:vimCommands 'Vim commands executed.'


function! BBimInclude()

  " Execute all #include commands in the source.
  " Syntax:
  " #include file-name
  " Warning: nested including is possible, but no recursion check is made!

  call cursor(1,1) " Go to the top of the file.
  let l:includedFiles=0 " Counter
  while search('^\s*#include\s','Wc')
    let l:includedFiles += 1
    let l:fileName=matchstr(getline('.'),'\S\+.*',8)
    call setline('.','') " Blank the line.
    " ----------- xxx debug check
    "echo '#include ' l:fileName
    "echo 'getcwd()=' getcwd()
    "echo 'Modifications:'
    "echo ':~' fnamemodify(l:fileName,':~')
    "echo ':p' fnamemodify(l:fileName,':p')
    " -----------
    execute "silent! r ".l:fileName

  if l:includedFiles==0
    echo 'No file included.'
  elseif l:includedFiles==1
    echo 'One file included.'
    echo l:includedFiles 'files included.'


" ----------------------------------------------
" Labels

function! BBimGetFirstLine()

  " Store into s:firstLine the first line number
  " to be used by the final Beta BASIC program
  " (old versions of BBimport occupied lines 1-9).
  " The command #firstline can be used to set
  " the desired line number. Only the first occurence
  " of #firstline will be used; it can be anywhere
  " in the source but always at the start of a line
  " (with optional indentation).

  let s:firstLine=1 " default value

  call cursor(1,1) " Go to the top of the file.
  if search('^\s*#firstline\s\+[0-9]\+\>','Wc')
    " Store the number into register 'l':
    normal ww"lyw
    " And then into the variable:
    let s:firstLine=getreg('l',1)
  echo 'First line number: '.s:firstLine


function! BBimLabels()

  let l:ignoreCaseBackup=&ignorecase
  set noignorecase

  " Join lonely labels to the next line:
  silent %substitute,^\(\(label\s\+\)\?@[0-9a-zA-Z_]\+\)\n,\1:,ei

  " Empty dictionary to store the line numbers of the labels; the labels will be used as keys:
  let l:lineNumber={}
  call cursor(1,1) " Go to the top of the file.
  " Store every label in the l:lineNumber dictionary:
  while search('^\(label\s\+\)\?@[0-9a-zA-Z_]\+\>','W')
    " Store the label into register 'l':
    normal "l2yw
    " xxx debug check
    "echo 'Raw label found: <' . getreg('l',1) . '>'
    " If 'label' is present, go to the next word and repeat:
    if tolower(getreg('l',1))=='label @'
      normal w"l2yw
      " xxx debug check
      "echo 'Actual raw label found: <' . getreg('l',1) . '>'
    " Remove possible ending spaces:
    let l:label=tolower(substitute(getreg('l',1),' ','','g'))
    " xxx debug check
    "echo 'Clean label: <' . l:label . '>'
    " Use the label as the key to store the line number:
    let l:lineNumber[l:label]=line('.')+s:firstLine-1
    " Go to the next word:
    normal w

  " xxx debug check
  "echo l:lineNumber

  " Remove all labels:
  silent! %substitute/^\(label\s\+\)\?@[0-9a-zA-Z_]\+\s*:\?//ei

  " Substitute every label reference with its line number:
  for l:label in keys(l:lineNumber)
    call cursor(1,1) " Go to the top of the file.
    " Do the subtitution:
    while search(l:label.'\>','Wc')
      " xxx debug check
      "echo l:label "label reference found"
      execute 'silent! substitute/'.l:label.'\>/'.l:lineNumber[l:label].'/ei'

  if l:ignoreCaseBackup
    set ignorecase
    set noignorecase

  echo 'Labels translated.'


" ----------------------------------------------
" Renum

function! BBimRenum()

  " Call the the nl program (part of the Debian coreutils package):
  execute "silent! %!nl --body-numbering=t --number-format=rn --number-width=5 --number-separator=' ' --starting-line-number=".s:firstLine." --line-increment=1"

  " In older versions of coreutils,
  " -v sets the first line number, and -i sets the line increment.
  " (the long option for -v doesn't work, though the manual mentions it).
  " Modern versions of nl uses the clearer options
  " --first-line and --line-increment, see:

  " Remove spaces before line numbers
  " (nl has no option to remove them):
  silent! %substitute/^\s*//e

  " Remove line numbers from import-time commands
  silent! %substitute/^[0-9]\{1,4}\s://e

  echo 'Line numbers added.'


" ----------------------------------------------
" Character translation

function! BBimTokens()

  " Translate special tokens into its ZX Spectrum code.

  silent! %s/<=/\=nr2char(199)/eg
  silent! %s/>=/\=nr2char(200)/eg
  silent! %s/<>/\=nr2char(201)/eg


function! BBimISOchars()

  " Translate ISO 8859-1 chars into ZX Spectrum chars.
  " (Unfinished).

  " The occupied chars must be redefined
  " by the final Beta BASIC program,
  " so this function must be customized ad hoc.

  " silent! %s/¡/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/¿/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/Á/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/É/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/Í/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/Ñ/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/Ó/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/Ú/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/Ü/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/á/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/é/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/í/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/ñ/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/ó/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/ú/\=nr2char(000)/ge
  " silent! %s/ü/\=nr2char(000)/ge


function! BBimBlockGraphs()

  " Translate BASin format ZX Spectrum block graphics notation
  " (chars 128-143)

  silent! %s/\\  /\=nr2char(128)/ge
  silent! %s/\\ '/\=nr2char(129)/ge
  silent! %s/\\' /\=nr2char(130)/ge
  silent! %s/\\''/\=nr2char(131)/ge
  silent! %s/\\ \./\=nr2char(132)/ge
  silent! %s/\\ :/\=nr2char(133)/ge
  silent! %s/\\'\./\=nr2char(134)/ge
  silent! %s/\\':/\=nr2char(135)/ge
  silent! %s/\\\. /\=nr2char(136)/ge
  silent! %s/\\\.'/\=nr2char(137)/ge
  silent! %s/\\: /\=nr2char(138)/ge
  silent! %s/\\:'/\=nr2char(139)/ge
  silent! %s/\\\.\./\=nr2char(140)/ge
  silent! %s/\\\.:/\=nr2char(141)/ge
  silent! %s/\\:\./\=nr2char(142)/ge
  silent! %s/\\::/\=nr2char(143)/ge


function! BBimUDG()

  " Translate BASin format ZX Spectrum UDG notation
  " (chars 144-164)

  silent! %s/\\[Aa]/\=nr2char(144)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Bb]/\=nr2char(145)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Cc]/\=nr2char(146)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Dd]/\=nr2char(147)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Ee]/\=nr2char(148)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Ff]/\=nr2char(149)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Gg]/\=nr2char(150)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Hh]/\=nr2char(151)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Ii]/\=nr2char(152)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Jj]/\=nr2char(153)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Kk]/\=nr2char(154)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Ll]/\=nr2char(155)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Mm]/\=nr2char(156)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Nn]/\=nr2char(157)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Oo]/\=nr2char(158)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Pp]/\=nr2char(159)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Qq]/\=nr2char(160)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Rr]/\=nr2char(161)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Ss]/\=nr2char(162)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Tt]/\=nr2char(163)/ge
  silent! %s/\\[Uu]/\=nr2char(164)/ge


function! BBimChars()

  let l:ignoreCaseBackup=&ignorecase
  set noignorecase

  call BBimISOchars()
  call BBimTokens()
  call BBimUDG()
  call BBimBlockGraphs()

  " Embedded ASCII codes (BASin format):
  silent! %s/\\#\(\d\+\)/\=nr2char(submatch(1))/g

  echo 'Special chars translated.'

  if l:ignoreCaseBackup
    set ignorecase
    set noignorecase


" ----------------------------------------------
" Fake MGT disk image

function! BBimMGTfile()

  " Create a fake MGT disk image from the current BB file

  silent write " Write the current BB file
  split " Split the window
  silent write! %.mgt " Save a copy with the MGT extension added
  silent edit ++bin %.mgt " Open it in binary mode
  set noendofline " Don't put an EOL at the end of the file when saving it
  set fileencoding=latin1

  " Translate line feed chars (decimal 10)
  " into carriage returns chars (decimal 13):
  silent %!tr "\12" "\15"

  " Convert it into a fake MGT disk image,
  " just making it 819200 bytes long:
  silent %!dd bs=819200 conv=sync 2>> /dev/null

  echo 'Fake MGT file created.'


" ----------------------------------------------
" BB file

function! BBimBBfile()

  " Create a copy of the current BBim file
  " with the ".bb" extension added
  " and open it for editing.

  silent update " Write the current BBim file if needed
  split " Split the window
  silent write! " Save a copy with the BB extension added
  silent edit " Open it for editing
  set fileencoding=latin1

  " xxx note: fileformat does not work here (it makes the renumbering not to work, because all the code is one line):
  "set fileformat=mac " Force CR (char 13) as end of line

  " Force an end of line at the end of the file:
  silent! %substitute/\%$/\r/e
  silent write

  echo 'BB file created.'


" ----------------------------------------------
" Main

function! BBim2BB()

  set shortmess=at

  call BBimGetFirstLine()

  let s:ignoreCaseBackup=&ignorecase
  set ignorecase

  call BBimBBfile()

  call BBimInclude()
  call BBimVim()
  call BBimClean()
  call BBimLabels()
  call BBimRenum()
  call BBimChars()

  call BBimMGTfile()
  silent w
  silent bw
  echo 'Fake MGT file saved and closed.'

  set fileformat=mac " Force CR (char 13) as end of line
  silent w
  silent bw
  echo 'BB file saved and closed.'

  if s:ignoreCaseBackup
    set ignorecase
    set noignorecase

  echo 'Done!'


" Shortkey ',bb' in normal mode
" to create a Beta BASIC file:
nmap <silent> ,bb :call BBim2BB()<CR>

echo "BBim2BB loaded."
echo "Activate it with the keys ',bb' (comma, B and B), in normal mode, on your BBim source."


Todos los componentes de BBim pueden descargarse en la sección de descargas de BBim.

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