fhp - img

Descripción del contenido de la página

Módulo del programa fhp que permite crear imágenes en XHTML y añade herramientas relacionadas.


Código fuente

CR .( fhp-img )

\ Copyright (C) 2006,2010,2011 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)

\ This file is part of
\ fhp ("Forth HTML Preprocessor") version B-00-201206
\ (http://programandala.net/en.program.fhp).
\ This module provides the image tags and tools.

\ fhp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
\ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
\ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
\ (at your option) any later version.
\ fhp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
\ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ General Public License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
\ along with fhp; if not, see <http://gnu.org/licenses>.

\ fhp is written in the Forth language
\ with Gforth (http://gnu.org/software/gforth/).

\ .............................................................
\ History

\ 2015-02-04: Header updated; layout a bit changed.
\ 2006-08-08: Added code written for my application alinome-bici.
\ 2010-10-07: First support for Simplilo's format output.

\ .............................................................
\ Init

MARKER fhp-img

\ -----------------------------------------
\ Code

false [IF]  \ obsolete!!!

\ 2006-08-31: not used anymore

: img-size  ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 )

  \ Return a string with the KiB size of the image.

  \ c-addr1 u1 = image file, without img-dir and img-subdir
  \ c-addr2 u2 = result

  \ 2006 07 02
  \ 2006 08 10 Now it calculates the whole local path.
  \ 2006-08-31 Now it does not include parenthesis.

  R/O OPEN-FILE ABORT" OPEN-FILE error in img-size"
  DUP >R FILE-SIZE ABORT" FILE-SIZE error in img-size"
  D>S 1024 / n>str
  S"  <abbr class='first' lang='en' xml:lang='en' title='Kibibytes'>KiB</abbr>" str+
  R> CLOSE-FILE ABORT" CLOSE-FILE error in img-size"



: img-xy  ( c-addr u -- x y )

  \ Return an image's width and height in pixels.

  \ 2006 06 29
  \ 2006 08 10 Now it calculates the whole local path.

  \ c-addr u = image file, without img-dir and img-subdir
  \ x = width
  \ y = height

  jpg-open jpg-xy


: singlequotes>doublequotes  ( a u -- )

  \ Convert single to double quotes in a string.

  \ 2011-02-11 First version.

  s" '" str-quotes str-exchange-all


: attrs>attrs+alt  ( a1 u1 -- a2 u2 a3 u3 )

  \ Extract the alt attr content from image HTML attributes.

  \ a1 u1 = image attrs, with possible alt the start.
  \ a2 u2 = image attrs without the alt.
  \ a3 u3 = content of the alt attribute, or empty string if no alt.

  \ Note: the alt attribute, if present, is always at the start, and only single quotes are used, what make things much easier.

  \ 2011-02-11 First version.

  s" alt='" search
  if  \ alt text found
    5 /string  \ remove the string searched for
    over >r  \ save the start of the alt text
    s" '" search
    0= abort" Closing quote is missing in image 'alt' attribute."
    1 /string  \ remove the single quote searched for
    over r@ - 1- r> swap  \ calculate the content of the alt attribute
    s" "  \ alt text is empty
  2swap singlequotes>doublequotes 2swap

defer img

svariable img-align-class \ used for exporting to Simplilo format

: default-img  ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- )

  \ Insert a JPEG image in the HTML page.

  \ c-addr1 u1 = attributes
  \ c-addr2 u2 = image file, without img-dir and img-subdir

  \ 2006 04 01
  \ 2006 08 10 Now it uses +img-url-path .
  \ 2010-10-08 First support for Simplilo's format output. Unfinished.
  \ 2011-02-10 Finnished the support for Simplilo's format output.
  \ 2011-02-11 Fixed. Single quotes are changed to double quotes in the HTML parameters of the Simplilo's format output. Single quotes caused rendering problems later, I don't know why.
  \ 2011-01-11 Factored out to attrs>attrs+alt .

  simplilo?  IF

    S" {{ " >html  +img-url-path >>html
    S"  | " >>html  >>html  \ alt text
    S"  | " >>html
    img-align-class count str+ >>html  \ add the image align class to the remaining attrs
    S"  }}" >>html


    S" <img src='" >html
    2DUP +img-url-path >>html tick>html
    n>str >height-attribute >>html
    n>str >width-attribute >>html
    space>html >>html S"  />" >>html



' default-img is img

: leftimg{  ( -- )
    S\"  class=\"left\"" img-align-class str!
    \ S" <<div leftimg />>" >html
  ELSE  S" <div class='leftimg'>" >html
: rightimg{  ( -- )
    S\"  class=\"right\"" img-align-class str!
    \ S" <<div rightimg />>" >html
  ELSE  S" <div class='rightimg'>" >html
: centerimg{  ( -- )
    S\" class=\"center\"" img-align-class str!
    \ S" <<div centerimg />>" >html
  ELSE  S" <div class='centerimg'>" >html

simplilo? [IF]
' noop
' {/div}
alias }leftimg
alias }rightimg
alias }centerimg

: |img  ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- )

  \ Make an image on the left.

  \ c-addr1 u1 = attributes
  \ c-addr2 u2 = image file, without img-dir and img-subdir

  \ 2006-04-02 First and third version.

  \ S" <div class='leftimg'>" >html img {/div}

  \ 2006-10-09 Second version.

  \ 2>R S"  class='left'" str+ 2R> img

  \ 2009-08-21 Fourth version.

  leftimg{ img }leftimg


: img|  ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- )

  \ Make an image on the right.

  \ c-addr1 u1 = attributes
  \ c-addr2 u2 = image file, without img-dir and img-subdir

  \ 2006 04 02 First and third version.

  \ S" <div class='rightimg'>" >html img  {/div}

  \ 2006-10-09 Second version.

  \ 2>R S"  class='right'" str+ 2R> img

  \ 2009-08-21 Fourth version.

  rightimg{ img }rightimg


: |img|  ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- )

  \ Make an image on the centre.

  \ c-addr1 u1 = attributes
  \ c-addr2 u2 = image file, without img-dir and img-subdir

  \ 2006-04-02 First and third version.

  \ S" <div class='centerimg'>" >html img {/div}

  \ 2006-10-09 New version.

  \ 2>R S"  class='center'" str+ 2R> img

  \ 2009-08-21 Fourth version.

  centerimg{ img }centerimg


.(  fhp-img ok!)