
Descripción del contenido de la página

Programa que facilita el uso de pyz80 para crear imágenes de disquete MGT de SAM Coupé.


MGTize es una envoltura para pyz80, de Andrew Collier, un ensamblador de Z80 orientado al desarrollo cruzado para SAM Coupé. El objetivo de MGTize es hacer más fácil la creación de imágenes de disquete MGT con pyz80.

Para crear una imagen de disquete MGT con pyz80 hay que indicar, con la opción -I, cada fichero a incluir y, además, ensamblar un fichero con código en Z80, aunque esté vacío: es obligatorio ensamblar algo. Así, el comando puede hacerse muy largo:

touch empty.z80s
pyz80 -I pict1.png -I pict2.pbm -I pict3.pgm -I pict4.ppm -I too.jpg -o result.mgt.gz empty.z80s
rm empty.z80s

MGTize lo hace más fácil: Su primer parámetro es el nombre de la nueva imagen de disquete MGT (cuyo sufijo «.mgt.gz» será añadido o completado si es necesario; el fichero será sobreescrito). El resto de parámetros son los nombres de los ficheros a incluir, para los que puede usarse patrones del intérprete de comandos. Por supuesto, no hace falta indicar un fichero de código fuente de Z80: MGTize crea un fichero vacío para «ensamblar» y después lo borra. Por ejemplo, el equivalente del susodicho ejemplo sería como sigue:

mgtize result pict?.p* thistoo.jpeg

MGTize está escrito en Forth con Gforth. Necesita dos librerías de Forth: Forth Foundation Library y Galope (aún no publicada, pero las definiciones necesarias están pegadas en la fuente del programa).

En el código fuente se incluyen como comentarios unas simples instrucciones de instalación, en inglés.

Código fuente

#! /usr/bin/env gforth

\ mgtize.fs
\ MGTize (version B-00-20150809)
\ This program creates SAMDOS MGT disk images.

\ Copyright (C) 2012 Marcos Cruz (

\ MGTize is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
\ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
\ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
\ (at your option) any later version. See:
\ MGTize is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
\ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ General Public License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
\ along with this program. If not, see

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ Description

\ MGTize creates a gzip-compressed SAMDOS MGT disk image with the
\ desired files.  The MGT disk image can be used with SimCoupe, the
\ SAM Coupé emulator (<>), or copied to a diskette.
\ MGTize is a wrapper for Andrew Collier's pyz80 (version 1.1,
\ 2007-04-13): <>.
\ MGTize was written to make it easier to use pyz80 when you just want
\ to create a MGT disk image with several files, not to compile any
\ Z80 code. 
\ MGTize is written in Forth with Gforth:
\ <>,
\ <>.

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ Installation on Linux systems

\ 1. Gforth ( and the Forth Foundation
\ Library ( must be installed.
\ 2. Make sure this source file is executable, with the following
\ command:
\   chmod ugo+x mgtize.fs
\ 3. Copy, move or link this source file to your path (ussually to
\ </usr/local/bin/>), with the desired name (e.g. without the
\ extension). Example command:
\   sudo ln mgtize.fs /usr/local/bin/mgtize

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ History

\ 2012-12-09: Version A-00-20121209.
\ 2012-12-10: Version A-01-20121210. Improved: the file extension
\ is added or completed when needed; better arguments check;
\ clearer usage instructions.
\ 2013-07-07: Typo fixed.
\ 2013-07-28: Change in '+extension'.
\ 2014-05-29: Changed the stack notation of strings. New: 'fpath'.
\ 2015-01-10: Changes in comments and header.
\ 2015-08-07: The Galope definitions are pasted insted of included,
\ until the library is published. Version B-00.
\ 2015-08-09: Installation instructions.

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ Requirements

\ fpath path+ ~/forth  \ XXX OLD TMP -- until the next version of Gforth supports <~/.gforthrc>

\ From Galope
\ (<>)

\ require galope/ends-question.fs  \ 'ends?'
\ require galope/sconstant.fs  \ 'sconstant'
\ require galope/svariable.fs  \ 'svariable'

\ XXX TMP -- pasted:

: fourth  ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 )
  \ Copy fourth element on the stack onto top of stack.
  3 pick
: ends? ( ca1 len1 ca2 len2 -- ca1 len1 wf )
  \ Check end of string:
  \ Is ca2 len2 the end of ca1 len1?
  \ ca1 len1 = long string
  \ ca2 len2 = end to check
  2over  dup fourth - /string  compare 0=
: sconstant  (  a len "name" -- )
  create  s,
  does>  ( -- a len ) ( pfa ) count
s" /COUNTED-STRING" environment? 0= [if]  255  [then]
constant /counted-string
: svariable  ( "name" -- )
  \ Create a string variable.
  create 0 c, /counted-string allot align

\ From Forth Foundation Library
\ (<>)
require ffl/str.fs  \ dynamic strings

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ System

\ The Forth Foundation Library's config.fs file nullifies the
\ words 'argc' and 'arg', and defines its own versions '#args'
\ and 'arg@'.

[defined] ffl.version [if]

  \ Re-create the original Gforth words 'argc' and 'arg', based
  \ on the words defined by the Forth Foundation Library's
  \ config.fs. 

  warnings @ warnings off

  variable argc  #args 1+ argc !
  : arg  ( n -- a u )
    1- arg@

  warnings !


\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ Variables and constants

svariable mgt-file
svariable input-file
s" mgtize.fs" sconstant command  \ name of this file

\ Temporary empty file used as fake assembler file for pyz80:
s" .tmp-" command s+  s" -.z80s" s+ sconstant z80-file

variable z80-file-id

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ Strings

: s&  ( ca1 len1 ca2 len2 -- ca3 len3 )
  \ Concatenate two strings adding a space between them.
  2>r s"  " s+ 2r> s+
: str-space-escape  ( str -- )
  \ Replace all spaces of a dynamic string with escaped spaces.
  \ str = dynamic string address
  >r s" \ " s"  " r> str-replace
str-create tmp-str
: escaped  ( ca1 len1 -- ca2 len2 )
  \ Escape all the spaces of a string.
  tmp-str str-set
  tmp-str str-space-escape
  tmp-str str-get

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ pyz80 and its parameters

: -i-parameters  ( -- a u )
  \ Return a string with all '-I' parameters required by pyz80.
  \ ca1 len1 = files to be imported, with their '-I' prefixes
  s" "
  argc @ 2 ?do
    s"  -I " i arg escaped s+ s+
: create-z80-file  ( -- )
  \ Create the temporary fake z80 file.
  z80-file r/o create-file abort" Error creating the fake z80 file."
  z80-file-id !
: delete-z80-file  ( -- )
  \ Delete the temporary fake z80 file.
  z80-file delete-file abort" Error deleting the fake z80 file."
: +extension  ( ca1 len1 -- ca2 len2 )
  \ Add the file extension to the output file, if needed.
  s" .mgt.gz" ends? 0= if
    \ xxx first version
    \ s" .mgt" ends? if  s" .gz"  else  s" .mgt.gz"  then  s+
    \ xxx 2013-07-28 new version
    s" .mgt" ends? 0= if  s" .mgt" s+  then  s" .gz" s+
: -o-parameter  ( -- a u )
  \ Return a string with the '-o' parameter required by pyz80.
  s" -o "
  1 arg  \ parameter 1 is the name of the MGT disk image
  2dup mgt-file place  \ keep a copy of the file name for later use
: pyz80  ( ca1 len1 ca2 len2 -- )
  \ Execute pyz80 with the provided parameters.
  \ ca1 len1 = files to be imported, with their '-I' prefixes
  \ ca2 len2 = name of the MGT disk image
  s" pyz80 " 2swap s+ 2swap s& z80-file s& system
: mgt ( -- )
  \ Convert the parameters and execute pyz80 with them.
  -i-parameters -o-parameter pyz80

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ Usage

: .command  ( -- )
  \ Print the name of this file.
  command type
: cri  ( -- )
  \ Start a new line with an indentation.
  cr 4 spaces
: usage  ( -- )
  \ Show the usage instructions.
  cr ." Usage:" cr
  cr ." The first parameter is the MGT disk image file name."
  cr ." Its extension '.mgt.gz' will be automatically added or completed if needed."
  cr ." WARNING: If the file already exists, it will be overwritten." cr
  cr ." The second parameter is a space separated list of files to be added to the disk image."
  cr ." Shell patterns can be used." cr
  cr ." Examples:" cr
  cri .command ."  mynewdiskimage myfile.bin" cr
  cri .command ."  mynewdiskimage myfile1.bin myfile2.txt" cr
  cri .command ."  mynewdiskimage img*.png data??.*" cr

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ Debug

: .args  ( -- )
  \ Show all parameters.
  argc @ 0 ?do
    i dup . arg type cr

\ ." echo $0 --" s" echo $0" system ." --" cr cr  \ xxx debug check
\ 0 arg type cr  \ xxx debug check

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ Main

: check  ( -- )
  \ Make sure the number of parameters is 3 or more.
  argc @ 3 < if  usage bye  then
: main  ( -- )
  check mgt
main  bye


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Una herramienta para crear imágenes MGT de disquete de ZX Spectrum para los sistemas GDOS, G+DOS y Beta DOS.