
Descripción del contenido de la página

Versión plurilingüe del juego Piedra, papel, tijera, lagarto, Spock escrito en Forth, para un jugador.


Este programa es una recreación del juego Piedra, papel, tijera, lagarto, Spock (que a su vez es una ampliación del clásico Piedra, papel, tijeras).

Tanto la interfaz como los textos del juego están escritos en varias lenguas (castellano, esperanto, inglés usamericano e inglés británico) y se puede cambiar la lengua durante el juego. De momento los dos dialectos de inglés comparten aún los mismos textos... salvo una sola palabra.


El primer objetivo de este proyecto fue probar el lenguage de programación 4tH, un pariente muy cercano de Forth que sin embargo internamente es muy diferente de Forth. Sin embargo escribir el programa al mismo tiempo que me familiarizaba con 4tH no resultó práctico. Decidí escribir el juego para Gforth y hacer posteriormente una adaptación a 4tH: Spock IV.

Futuras mejoras

Hay tres características interesantes que se han quedado en el tintero:

Quizá sean implementadas en una futura versión del programa.

Código fuente

#! /usr/bin/env gforth

\ spock.fs

\ "Spock!"
\ Version 0.4.0+202001192042
\ (http://programandala.net/en.program.spock.html)

\ A multilingual (English, Esperanto, Interlingue and Spanish)
\ implementation of "Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock",
\ written in the Forth programming language with Gforth
\ (http://gnu.org/software/gforth).

\ Based on the Spanish version of
\ "Rock, paper, scissors"
\ by the same author:
\ http://programandala.net/es.programa.piedra_papel_tijeras.html

\ Copyright (C) 2012,2019,2020 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)

\ Spock! is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
\ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
\ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

\ Spock! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ General Public License for more details.

\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
\ along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses .

\ ==============================================================
\ Stack notation

\ a      = memory address
\ a len  = memory region
\ c      = character
\ ca     = character-aligned memory address
\ ca len = character string
\ f      = flag: 0|-1
\ fn     = flag: 0|non-zero
\ len    = length: unsigned 32-bit number
\ max    = signed 32-bit number
\ min    = signed 32-bit number
\ n      = signed 32-bit number
\ u      = unsigned 32-bit number
\ x      = undefined element
\ ..     = range
\ "name" = space delimited text in the input stream
\ "text" = text in the input stream

\ ==============================================================
\ Requirements

s" random.fs" required \ Gforth's 'random' and 'seed'.

require galope/begin-translation.fs \ `begin-translation`
require galope/between.fs \ `between`
require galope/enum.fs \ `enum`
require galope/n-comma.fs \ `n,`
require galope/one-plus-store.fs \ `1+!`
require galope/randomize.fs \ `randomize`
require galope/seconds.fs \ `seconds`
require galope/th.fs \ `th`

: at ( n a1 -- a2 ) swap th ;
  \ Return address _a2_ of item (cell offset) _n_ in table _a1_.

: h" ( "text<quotes>" -- a ) here ," ; immediate \ "
  \ Parse "text", delimited by ending quotes, compile it in data space
  \ as a counted string and return its address _a_.

: s@ ( a -- ca len ) @ count ;
  \ Return string _ca len_, whose address is stored in _a_.

\ ==============================================================
\ Languages

0 enum american-english \ en-US
  enum british-english  \ en-GB
  enum esperanto        \ eo
  enum interlingue      \ ie
  enum spanish          \ es
to langs \ Number of languages.
  \ `langs` is provided by Galope's `begin-translation` module.

american-english value language
:noname ( -- n ) language ; is lang
  \ `lang` is provided by Galope's `begin-translation` module.

\ Menu option to change the current language.
begin-translation not_in_language$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" Not in American English."
  british-english  s" Not in British English."
  esperanto        s" Ne en Esperanto."
  interlingue      s" Ne in Interlingue"
  spanish          s" No en español."

'+' constant language_key \ Key that changes the current language.

: next_language ( u1 -- u2 ) 1+ dup langs < and ;

: language++ ( -- ) language next_language to language ;

\ ==============================================================
\ Pauses and keyboard

: wait ( -- ) key drop ;

: .prompt ( -- ) cr cr ." > " ;

begin-translation press_key$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" Press any key to continue."
  british-english  s" Press any key to continue."
  esperanto        s" Premu iun klavon por plui."
  interlingue      s" Presse alquel taste por continuar."
  spanish          s" Pulsa cualquier tecla para continuar."

: press_key ( -- ) cr press_key$ type .prompt wait ;

\ ==============================================================
\ About

create (title$) ," Spock!"

: title$ ( -- ca len ) (title$) count ;

: .title ( -- ) title$ type cr cr ;

begin-translation long_title$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock!"
  british-english  s" Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock!"
  esperanto        s" Ŝtono, papero, tondilo, lacerto, Spock!"
  interlingue      s" Rocca, papere, cisores, lacerte, Spock!"
  spanish          s" ¡Piedra, papel, tijera, lagarto, Spock!"

: copyright ( -- )
  ." Copyright (C) 2012 Marcos Cruz (programandala.net)" cr cr ;

: the_license ( -- )
  ." Spock! is free software; you can redistribute it and/or" cr
  ." modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public" cr
  ." License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either" cr
  ." version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version." cr ;

: about ( -- ) copyright 1 seconds the_license 3 seconds ;

: splash ( -- ) page .title about press_key ;

\ ==============================================================
\ Commands

0 enum rock \ First command.
  enum paper
  enum scissors
  enum lizard
  enum spock \ Last command.
  constant commands \ Number of commands.

\ Compile the command names and leave the addresses of their counted
\ strings on the stack:

\ Last lang:                                       First lang:
\ es          ie          eo          en-GB        en-US
\ ----------  ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------
  h" Spock"   dup         dup         dup          dup         \ Last command.
  h" lagarto" h" lacerte" h" lacerto" h" lizard"   dup
  h" tijeras" h" cisores" h" tondilo" h" scissors" dup
  h" papel"   h" papere"  h" papero"  h" paper"    dup
  h" piedra"  h" rocca"   h" ŝtono"   h" rock"     dup         \ First command.

create command-names
  \ A 2-dimensional table to store the addresses of the strings.

langs commands * n,
  \ Fill the table compiling the data from the stack.

: >command$ ( u -- ca len )
  langs * language + command-names at s@ ;
  \ Convert command number _u_ to command name _ca len_.

\ ==============================================================
\ Score

10 constant max_score
variable your_score
variable my_score

begin-translation your_score$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" Your score"
  british-english  s" Your score"
  esperanto        s" Viaj poentoj"
  interlingue      s" Vor puntes"
  spanish          s" Tu puntuación"

begin-translation my_score$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" My score"
  british-english  s" My score"
  esperanto        s" Miaj poentoj"
  interlingue      s" Mi puntes"
  spanish          s" Mi puntuación"

: .score ( ca len -- ) type s" : " type ;

: .your_score ( -- ) your_score$ .score your_score ? ;

: .my_score ( -- ) my_score$ .score my_score ? ;

: .scores ( -- ) cr cr .your_score cr .my_score cr ;

: max? ( a -- f ) @ max_score = ;

: you_win_game? ( -- f ) your_score max? ;

: i_win_game? ( -- f ) my_score max? ;

\ ==============================================================
\ Command selection

variable your_command
variable my_command

: choices ( -- u1 u2 ) my_command @ your_command @ ;

'0' constant "0"

: digit ( u -- c ) "0" + ;

: option ( c -- u ) "0" - ;

: command_key? ( c -- f ) "0" commands 1- digit between ;

: language_key? ( c -- f ) language_key = dup if language++ then ;

: valid_key? ( c -- f ) dup language_key? swap command_key? or ;

: your_key ( -- c ) 0 begin drop key dup valid_key? until ;

variable accusative \ Show the Esperanto commands in accusative?

: esperanto? ( -- f ) language esperanto = ;

: accusative? ( -- f ) esperanto? accusative @ and ;

: (.accusative) ( u -- ) spock = if ." -on" else ." n" then ;

: .accusative ( u -- ) accusative? if (.accusative) else drop then ;

: .choice ( u -- ) dup >command$ type .accusative '.' emit ;

: .command_option ( u -- ) dup cr . ." = " .choice ;

: .command_options ( -- ) commands 0 do i .command_option loop ;

: .language_option ( -- )
  cr cr language_key emit ."  = " not_in_language$ type ;

: .options ( -- ) cr accusative off .command_options .language_option ;

begin-translation choose$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" Choose:"
  british-english  s" Choose:"
  esperanto        s" Elektu:"
  interlingue      s" Selecte:"
  spanish          s" Elige:"

: menu ( -- )
  page long_title$ type cr cr choose$ type .options .prompt ;

: your_choice ( -- u)
  0 begin drop menu your_key
  dup command_key? until option ;

: my_choice ( -- u ) commands random ;

begin-translation you_choosed$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" You choosed"
  british-english  s" You choosed"
  esperanto        s" Vi elektis"
  interlingue      s" Vu selectet"
  spanish          s" Has sacado"

: .you_choosed ( -- ) you_choosed$ type space ;

begin-translation i_choosed$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" I choosed"
  british-english  s" I choosed"
  esperanto        s" Mi elektis"
  interlingue      s" Yo selectet"
  spanish          s" Yo he sacado"

: .i_choosed ( -- ) i_choosed$ type space ;

: .your_choice ( -- ) .you_choosed your_command @ accusative on .choice ;

: .my_choice ( -- ) .i_choosed my_command @ .choice ;

: .choices ( -- ) .your_choice cr .my_choice ;

\ ==============================================================
\ Versus

commands dup * constant command_combinations

command_combinations cells constant /winners

create winners /winners allot

winners /winners erase

: >winner ( u1 u2 -- a ) commands * + winners at ;
  \ Point to an element of the `winners` table.
  \ u1 = Computer's command.
  \ u2 = Human's command.

: winner ( u1 u2 -- ) >winner on ;
  \ Mark a winner combination of commands (the computer wins).
  \ u1 = Computer's command.
  \ u2 = Human's command.

: winner? ( u1 u2 -- f ) >winner @ ;
  \ Is the computer the winner in the given command combination?
  \ u1 = Computer's command.
  \ u2 = Human's command.

begin-translation i_win$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" I win."
  british-english  s" I win."
  esperanto        s" Mi venkas."
  interlingue      s" Yo gania."
  spanish          s" Yo gano."

begin-translation you_win$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" You win."
  british-english  s" You win."
  esperanto        s" Vi venkas."
  interlingue      s" Vu gania."
  spanish          s" Tú ganas."

: i_win_round ( -- ) i_win$ type my_score 1+! ;

: you_win_round ( -- ) you_win$ type your_score 1+! ;

: (versus) ( u1 u2 | u2 u1 -- u3 )
  2dup min commands * >r max r> + 1+ ;
  \ u1 u2 = Commands.
  \ u3 = Identifier of the commands combination.

: versus ( u1 u2 | u2 u1 | u1 u1 -- u3 )
  2dup = if 2drop 0 else (versus) then ;
  \ u1 u2 = Commands.
  \ u3 = Identifier of the commands combination.

commands 1- dup 1- versus constant max_versus

create explanations max_versus langs * cells allot

variable >explanations
  \ Pointer in the 'explanations' table.

: explanations: ( u1 u2 -- )
  versus >explanations ! ;
  \ u1 u2 = Commands the following explanations definitions refers to.

: tie_explanations: ( -- ) 0 dup explanations: ;

: winner_explanations: ( u1 u2 -- )
  2dup winner explanations: ;
  \ u1 u2 = Commands the following explanations definitions refers to.

: explanation! ( a u -- )
  >explanations @ langs * + explanations at ! ;
  \ a = Address of the explanation string.
  \ u = Language of the explanation string.

: english_explanations! ( a -- )
  dup american-english explanation!
      british-english  explanation! ;
  \ a = Address of the explanation string in both dialects of English.

: explanation ( u -- a1 u1 )
  langs * language + explanations at s@ ;
  \ u = Identifier of a commands combination.
  \ a1 u1 = Explanation in the current language.

h" Empate." spanish explanation!
h" Remiso." esperanto explanation!
h" Tie." american-english explanation!
h" Draw." british-english explanation!
h" Egales." interlingue explanation! \ XXX TODO -- Translation.

rock scissors winner_explanations:
h" La piedra rompe la tijera." spanish explanation!
h" La ŝtono rompas la tondilon." esperanto explanation!
h" The rock crushes the scissors." english_explanations!
h" Li rocca aplasta li cisores." interlingue explanation!

paper rock winner_explanations:
h" El papel envuelve la piedra." spanish explanation!
h" La papero envolvas la ŝtonon." esperanto explanation!
h" The paper covers the rock." english_explanations!
h" Li papere covri li rocca." interlingue explanation!

scissors paper winner_explanations:
h" La tijera corta el papel." spanish explanation!
h" La tondilo tondas la paperon." esperanto explanation!
h" The scissors cut the paper." english_explanations!
h" Li cisores tonde li papere." interlingue explanation!

lizard spock winner_explanations:
h" El lagarto envenena a Spock." spanish explanation!
h" La lacerto venenas Spock-on." esperanto explanation!
h" The lizard poisons Spock." english_explanations!
h" Li lacerte venena Spock." interlingue explanation!

rock lizard winner_explanations:
h" La piedra aplasta el lagarto." spanish explanation!
h" La ŝtono premplatigas la lacerton." esperanto explanation!
h" The rock crushes the lizard." english_explanations!
h" Li rocca aplasta li lacerte." interlingue explanation!

scissors lizard winner_explanations:
h" La tijera decapita el lagarto." spanish explanation!
h" La tondilo senkapigas la lacerton." esperanto explanation!
h" The scissors decapitate the lizard." english_explanations!
h" Li cisores decapa li lacerte." interlingue explanation!

lizard paper winner_explanations:
h" El lagarto come el papel." spanish explanation!
h" La lacerto manĝas la paperon." esperanto explanation!
h" The lizard eats the paper." english_explanations!
h" Li lacerte manja li papere." interlingue explanation!

spock rock winner_explanations:
h" Spock vaporiza la piedra." spanish explanation!
h" Spock vaporigas la ŝtonon." esperanto explanation!
h" Spock vaporizes the rock." english_explanations!
h" Spock vaporisa li rocca." interlingue explanation!

paper spock winner_explanations:
h" El papel refuta a Spock." spanish explanation!
h" La papero senpravigas Spock-on." esperanto explanation!
h" The paper disproves Spock." english_explanations!
h" Li papere refuta Spock." interlingue explanation!

spock scissors winner_explanations:
h" Spock rompe la tijera." spanish explanation!
h" Spock rompas la tondilon." esperanto explanation!
h" Spock smashes the scissors." english_explanations!
h" Spock dispezza li cisores." interlingue explanation!

: i_win_round? ( -- f ) choices winner? ;

: (.round_winner) ( -- )
  i_win_round? if i_win_round else you_win_round then ;

: tie? ( -- f ) choices = ;

: .round_winner ( -- ) tie? 0= if (.round_winner) then ;

: .result ( -- )
  choices versus explanation type space .round_winner ;

: .results ( -- ) page .choices cr cr .result .scores press_key ;

\ ==============================================================
\ The end

begin-translation i_won_game$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" I won the game."
  british-english  s" I won the game."
  esperanto        s" Mi venkis la ludon."
  interlingue      s" Yo ganiat li lude."
  spanish          s" He ganado la partida."

begin-translation you_won_game$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" You won the game."
  british-english  s" You won the game."
  esperanto        s" Vi venkis la ludon."
  interlingue      s" Vu ganiat li lude."
  spanish          s" Has ganado la partida."

: game_winner$ ( -- ca len )
  you_win_game? if you_won_game$ else i_won_game$ then ;

: game_over ( -- ) page game_winner$ type .scores ;

: game_over? ( -- f ) you_win_game? i_win_game? or ;

begin-translation press_space$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" Press space to play again; any other key to finish."
  british-english  s" Press space to play again; any other key to finish."
  esperanto        s" Premu spacon por reludi; alian klavon por fini."
  interlingue      s" Presse spacie por reluder; altri taste por finir."
  spanish          s" Pulsa espacio para jugar de nuevo; otra tecla para terminar."

begin-translation good_bye$ ( -- ca len )
  american-english s" Bye!"
  british-english  s" Bye!"
  esperanto        s" Adiaŭ!"
  interlingue      s" Adio!"
  spanish          s" ¡Adiós!"

: enough? ( -- f ) cr press_space$ type .prompt key bl <> ;

: final_pause ( -- ) 2 seconds ;

: farewell ( -- ) page good_bye$ type cr final_pause page bye ;

\ ==============================================================
\ Init

: init_game ( -- ) your_score off my_score off ;

: init_once ( -- ) randomize american-english to language ;

\ ==============================================================
\ Game

: i_play ( -- ) my_choice my_command ! ;

: you_play ( -- ) your_choice your_command ! ;

: turn ( -- ) i_play you_play .results ;

: game ( -- ) init_game begin turn game_over? until game_over ;

: run ( -- ) init_once splash begin game enough? until farewell ;


\ ==============================================================
\ Debugging tools

true [if]

: (.) ( n -- ) dup ." (" 0 .r ." )" ;

: check_explanations
  langs 0 do i to language
    commands 0 do
      commands 0 do
        i dup >command$ type (.)
        ."  vs "
        j dup >command$ type (.) ."  = "
        i j versus dup . ." -> "
        explanation type cr
      loop cr press_key page
  loop ;


\ ==============================================================
\ Change log

\ 2012-03-30 Version A-00. Start. Code for 4tH and Gforth.
\ 2012-04-01 Version A-01. Gforth only.
\ 2012-04-02 Version A-02. First working version. Spanish interface
\ only.
\ 2012-04-07 Version A-03. Multilingual interface.
\ 2012-04-08 Version A-04. Language selection.
\ 2012-04-10 Version B-00. General revision of the code.
\ 2012-04-14 Simpler method for showing the winner.
\ 2012-04-15 'init_once' moved to 'main'. A bit simpler game loop.
\ 'about' completed with GPL.
\ 2012-04-16 Changed the name format of all multilingual strings.
\ Pauses modified in 'about'.
\ 2012-06-15 Some little internal changes.
\ 2019-12-27: Update the URLs, the source style and the stack
\ notation. Change the version number after Semantic Versioning. Use
\ the Galope library. Rewrite the definiton of multilingual texts
\ using `begin-translation`. Remove old unused code. Add Interlingue.
\ Improve comments. Version 0.4.0.
\ 2020-01-19: Improve the program description in the header.



En primer lugar instala Gforth en el sistema. Después abre una terminal y, desde el directorio en que esté el fichero del juego, arranca Gforth así: gforth spock.fs.

Otra opción es arrancar Gforth y dar cualquiera de los siguientes comandos en Forth (hacen exactamente lo mismo):

s" spock.fs" included

O bien:

include spock.fs

Páginas relacionadas

Historial de desarrollo de Spock!
Historial de desarrollo de Spock!, versión plurilingüe del juego Piedra, papel, tijera, lagarto, Spock escrito en Forth, para un jugador.
Piedra, papel, tijeras
Juego "Piedra, papel, tijeras" escrito en Forth, para jugar contra la máquina.
Spock IV
Versión plurilingüe del juego Piedra, papel, tijera, lagarto, Spock, escrita en 4tH, para un jugador.