Description of the page content
A MGT disk image creator for ZX Spectrum's GDOS, G+DOS and Beta DOS.
mkmgt is a command line tool that creates MGT disk images for ZX Spectrum's GDOS, G+DOS and Beta DOS, with files from the host system. I missed such a tool for years, so finally I decided to write it. I adapted the disk algorithms of Andrew Collier's pyz80 assembler.
mkmgt recognizes TAP files and copies the ZX Spectrum files they contain, preserving their names and types (code, BASIC, arrays); other files are regarded as ZX Spectrum code files.
mkmgt is written in Forth with Gforth, and uses one module of the Forth Foundation Library. In order to run mkmgt, both of them must be installed. Gforth is part of most Linux distros, or can be compiled (and it runs also on Windows); the Forth Foundation Library is written in Forth, and it's system independent.
Simple installation instructions are included in the source code.
Source code
#! /usr/bin/env gforth
\ mkmgt
: version s" 1.3.1+202005142142" ;
\ See change log at the end of the file
\ A MGT disk image creator
\ for ZX Spectrum's GDOS, G+DOS and Beta DOS.
\ Copyright (C) 2015,2016,2017,2019,2020 Marcos Cruz (
\ mkmgt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
\ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
\ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
\ (at your option) any later version.
\ mkmgt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
\ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
\ License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
\ along with mkmgt; if not, see <>.
\ ==============================================================
\ Acknowledgements
\ mkmgt is written in Forth with Gforth 0.7.9 (by Anton Ertl, Bernd
\ Paysan et al.):
\ MGT disk image algorithms were adapted from:
\ pyz80 by Andrew Collier, version 1.2 2-Feb-2009
\ Information on the MGT filesystem was retrieved from:
\ Information on the TAP file format was retrieved from the
\ documentation of the "Z80" ZX Spectrum emulator (1988-2002 by Gerton
\ Lunter).
\ ==============================================================
\ Installation on Linux systems
\ 1. Gforth ( and the Forth Foundation
\ Library ( must be installed.
\ 2. Make sure this source file is executable, with the following
\ command:
\ chmod ugo+x mkmgt.fs
\ 3. Copy, move or link this source file to your path (usually to
\ </usr/local/bin/>), with the desired name (e.g. without the
\ extension). Example command:
\ sudo ln mkmgt.fs /usr/local/bin/mkmgt
\ ==============================================================
\ To-do
\ Add files to an existent disk image.
\ Check duplicated filenames and add an index number when needed.
\ Fix: detect also uppercase ".TAP".
\ Options --filename=NAME to change the filename of the next file.
\ (Other to-do tasks are marked in the source.)
\ ==============================================================
\ Requirements
warnings off
\ ----------------------------------------------
\ From Gforth
require string.fs \ dynamic strings
\ ----------------------------------------------
\ From the Forth Foundation Library
\ (
require ffl/arg.fs \ argument parser
\ ----------------------------------------------
\ From the Galope library
\ (
include galope/string-suffix-question.fs \ `string-suffix?`
include galope/unslurp-file.fs \ `unslurp-file`
include galope/default-of.fs \ `default-of`
include galope/dollar-variable.fs \ `$variable`
include galope/minus-suffix.fs \ `-suffix`
include galope/s-plus.fs \ `s+`
\ ==============================================================
\ Command line options flags
true value verbose?
\ List the processed input files?
false value ignore-tape-filename?
\ Ignore the ZX Spectrum filename contained in the tape header of a
\ TAP file and use the filename of the container TAP instead? This
\ is useful when several TAP files, containing only one ZX Spectrum
\ file, have the same filename in their tape headers. This is the
\ case with Abersoft Forth, that always uses the filename "DISC"
\ when it saves its RAM disk to tape.
\ ==============================================================
\ Disk image
\ ----------------------------------------------
\ Data
$variable image-filename$
2 constant sides/disk \ sides (0..1)
80 constant tracks/side \ tracks (0..79)
10 constant sectors/track \ sectors (1..10)
512 constant bytes/sector \ sector size
510 constant data/sector \ actual data bytes saved into a sector
80 constant files/disk \ max number of directory entries (1..80)
10 constant /filename \ max length of DOS filenames
9 constant /file-header \ length of the file header
256 constant /entry \ size of a directory entry \ XXX not used
sides/disk tracks/side sectors/track bytes/sector * * *
constant /image \ length of the disk image
/image allocate throw constant image
image /image erase
\ ----------------------------------------------
\ Converters
: geometry>pos ( track side sector -- +n )
1- swap 10 * + swap 20 * + bytes/sector * ;
\ Convert a track, a side and a sector
\ to a position in the disk image.
\ track = 0..79
\ side = 0..1
\ sector = 1..10
: entry>pos ( entry -- +n )
dup >r 20 / \ track
0 \ side
r@ 20 mod 2/ 1+ \ sector
r> 2 mod 256 * + ;
\ Convert a directory entry
\ to its position in the disk image.
\ entry = 0..79 (instead of the usual range 1..80)
: image+ ( +n -- a )
image + ;
\ Convert a position in the disk image
\ to its actual memory address.
\ ----------------------------------------------
\ Fetch and store
: @z80 ( a -- 16b )
dup c@ swap 1+ c@ 256 * + ;
\ Fetch a 16-bit value with Z80 format: LSB first.
: !z80 ( 16b a -- )
swap 2dup 256 mod swap c! 256 / swap 1+ c! ;
\ Store a 16-bit value with Z80 format: LSB first.
: @big-endian ( a -- 16b )
dup c@ 256 * swap 1+ c@ + ;
\ Fetch a 16-bit value with big-endian format: MSB first.
: !big-endian ( 16b a -- )
swap 2dup 256 / swap c! 256 mod swap 1+ c! ;
\ Store a 16-bit value with big-endian format: MSB first.
: mgtc@ ( +n -- 8b ) image+ c@ ;
: mgtc! ( 8b +n -- ) image+ c! ;
: mgt@ ( +n -- 16b ) image+ @z80 ;
: mgt@be ( +n -- 16b ) image+ @big-endian ;
: mgt! ( 16b +n -- ) image+ !z80 ;
: mgt!be ( +n -- 16b ) image+ !big-endian ;
\ ----------------------------------------------
\ File
: +extension ( ca1 len1 -- ca2 len2 )
2dup s" .mgt" string-suffix? 0= if s" .mgt" s+ then ;
\ Add the .mgt file extension to the given filename, if missing.
\ : get-image-filename ( -- )
\ \ Get the first parameter, the disk image filename.
\ 1 arg +extension image-filename$ $! ;
: save-image ( -- )
image /image image-filename$ $@ unslurp-file ;
\ Save the disk image to a file.
\ ==============================================================
\ Input files
variable sectors/file \ number of sectors used by the current file
variable starting-side
variable starting-track
variable starting-sector
variable input-filename$ \ filename of the current file (dinamyc string)
variable entry-pos \ directory entry position in the disk image
: entry-pos+ ( n1 -- n2 )
entry-pos @ + ;
\ Convert a position in a directory entry
\ to a position in the disk image.
2variable (file-contents) \ contents of the current input file (memory zone)
variable file-contents-pos \ position in the file contents (used for TAP files)
: file-contents ( -- ca len )
(file-contents) 2@ file-contents-pos @ /string ;
\ Contents of the current input file.
false value tap-file? \ is the current input file a TAP file?
: filename! ( ca len +n -- )
image+ dup >r /filename blank r> swap move ;
\ Store a DOS filename into the disk image.
\ ca len = filename
\ +n = disk image position
: tape-header+ ( n -- a )
file-contents drop + ;
\ Convert a position in the tape header to its actual address.
: (tape-header-id) ( -- n )
3 tape-header+ c@ ;
\ Tape header id of the current input file, that is TAP file.
\ The tape header id can be:
\ 0 for a BASIC program;
\ 1 for a number array;
\ 2 for a character array;
\ 3 for a code file.
\ A SCREEN$ file is regarded as a code file
\ with start address 16384 and length 6912 decimal.
: tape-header-id ( -- n )
tap-file? if (tape-header-id) else 3 then ;
\ Tape header id of the current input file.
\ If the current input file is not in a TAP file,
\ it's regarded as a code file (tape header id 3).
: file-type ( -- n )
tap-file? if (tape-header-id) 1+ else 4 then ;
\ DOS file type of the current input file.
\ DOS file types:
\ 0: Erased 1: ZX BASIC 2: ZX numeric array
\ 3: ZX string array 4: ZX code 5: ZX 48K snapshot
\ 6: ZX Microdrive 7: ZX screen 8: Special
\ 9: ZX 128K snapshot 10: Opentype 11: ZX execute
\ If the current input file is not in a TAP file,
\ it's regarded as a code file (DOS file type 4).
\ XXX TODO return file type 7 if code is 16384,6912
: dos-filename<tape-header ( -- ca len )
4 tape-header+ /filename ;
\ Get the DOS filename from the tape header of the input TAP file.
: dos-filename<input-tap-file ( -- ca len )
input-filename$ $@ basename s" .tap" -suffix /filename min ;
\ Get the DOS filename from the input TAP file.
\ XXX TODO if the TAP file has several ZX Spectrum files,
\ add an index number.
: dos-filename<input-file ( -- ca len )
input-filename$ $@ basename /filename min ;
\ Get the DOS filename from the input file.
: dos-filename ( -- ca len )
tap-file? if
ignore-tape-filename? if dos-filename<input-tap-file
else dos-filename<tape-header then
else dos-filename<input-file then ;
\ DOS filename of the current input file.
\ Depending on the input file and the options,
\ the DOS filename can be the filename of the input file,
\ the filename stored in the tape header of a TAP file
\ or the filename of the TAP file.
\ ca len = filename
: file-length ( -- n )
file-contents tap-file? if drop 14 + @z80 else nip then ;
\ Length of the current file.
\ XXX TODO factor
: start ( -- n )
tap-file? if 16 tape-header+ @z80 else 0 then ;
\ Autostart line (for BASIC programs)
\ or start address (for code files)
: start2 ( -- n )
tap-file? if 18 tape-header+ @z80 else 32768 then ;
\ If the current file is a BASIC program,
\ return the start of the variable area
\ relative to the start of the program;
\ if it's a code file, return 32768.
\ If the current file is not a TAP file,
\ it's regarded as a code file.
: array-name-letter ( -- b )
17 tape-header+ @z80 ;
\ Array name letter of the current file,
\ that is an numeric or string array stored in a TAP file.
\ Note: The array name letter is uppercase; bit 6 set means
\ a numeric array, and bit 7 set means a string array.
: tap-metadata+ ( +n1 -- +n2 )
24 + ;
\ Update a position in the current file,
\ skipping all TAP header info until the first
\ actual data byte.
: file+ ( +n -- a )
file-contents drop + tap-file? if tap-metadata+ then ;
\ Convert a position in the current file
\ to its actual memory address.
\ XXX TODO factor with tape-header+
\ ==============================================================
\ Directory entry
variable sectors-already-used
: free-entry? ( -- +n true | false )
false \ default output
0 sectors-already-used !
files/disk 0 ?do
i entry>pos dup mgtc@ ( +n f ) \ occupied?
if 11 + mgt@be sectors-already-used +!
else swap 0= unloop exit then
loop ;
\ Is there a free directory entry in the disk image?
\ `sectors-already-used` is calculated in the process.
\ +n = position in the disk image
: make-directory-entry ( +n -- )
\ Create a directory entry in the disk image.
\ +n = disk image position of a free directory entry
\ XXX TODO use entry number instead?
\ XXX TODO factor
entry-pos !
\ Set the file type
\ (position 0 of the directory entry).
file-type 0 entry-pos+ mgtc!
\ Store the filename
\ (positions 1-10 of the directory entry).
dos-filename 1 entry-pos+ filename!
\ Calculate and store the number of sectors used by the file
\ (positions 11-12 of the directory entry).
\ The length of the file header (bytes 211-219 of the directory
\ entry) is added because it must be saved also at the start of the
\ file, for all supported file types -- BASIC programs, code files
\ and arrays.
file-length /file-header + 510 / 1+
dup sectors/file !
11 entry-pos+ mgt!be
\ Calculate the starting side, track and sector of the file.
sectors-already-used @ 10 / 4 + dup
80 / starting-side !
80 mod starting-track !
sectors-already-used @ 10 mod 1+ starting-sector !
\ Set the address of the first sector in the file
\ (positions 13-14 of the directory entry).
starting-track @ starting-side @ 128 and +
13 entry-pos+ mgtc! \ track (0-79, 128-207)
starting-sector @ 14 entry-pos+ mgtc! \ sector (1-10)
\ Create the sector address map
\ (positions 15-209 of the directory entry).
\ The sector address map occupies 195 bytes. A bit is set in this
\ map if the corresponding sector is allocated to the file. The lsb
\ of byte 0 corresponds to track 4, sector 1. The msb of byte 0
\ corresponds to track 4, sector 8. The lsb of byte 1 corresponds to
\ track 4, sector 9. The msb of byte 1 corresponds to track 5,
\ sector 6.
sectors/file @ 0 ?do
entry-pos @ 15 + sectors-already-used @ 8 / + \ map position
image+ dup c@ \ address and its current content
1 sectors-already-used @ %111 and lshift \ bit to be set
or swap c! \ update the map position
1 sectors-already-used +!
\ Set the GDOS header
\ (positions 210-219 of the directory entry).
\ 210: For opentype files, the number of 64K blocks in the file.
\ 211: Tape header ID for ZX Spectrum files: 0 for BASIC, 1 for
\ numeric arrays, 2 for string arrays and 3 for code.
\ 212-213: File length. For opentype files, the length of the last
\ block.
\ 214-215: Start address.
\ 216-217: Type specific.
\ 218-219: Autostart line/address.
\ The tape header id and the file lenght are common to any input
\ file.
tape-header-id 211 entry-pos+ mgtc!
file-length 212 entry-pos+ mgt!
\ The rest of the GDOS header depends on the origin of the input
\ file (a host system file or a ZX Spectrum file inside a TAP file).
tap-file? if
\ The input file is a TAP file.
\ There are four possible tape header ids:
\ 0 for a BASIC program;
\ 1 for a number array;
\ 2 for a character array;
\ 3 for a code file.
\ A SCREEN$ file is regarded as a code file
\ with start address 16384 and length 6912 decimal.
tape-header-id case
0 of \ BASIC program
23755 214 entry-pos+ mgt! \ start address
start2 216 entry-pos+ mgt! \ relative start of the variable area
start 218 entry-pos+ mgt! \ autostart line
3 of \ code file
start 214 entry-pos+ mgt! \ start address
0xFFFF 216 entry-pos+ mgt!
\ Numeric arrays (tape header id 1) and string arrays (tape
\ header id 2) share the same treatment.
\ For some unknown reason GDOS saves their start address into
\ position 214 of the GDOS header, but it can be ommited
\ because the loading address will depend on the size of the
\ BASIC program and the existing variables. In fact that
\ information is ommited in tape headers.
0xFF 216 entry-pos+ mgtc!
array-name-letter 217 entry-pos+ mgtc!
0xFFFF 218 entry-pos+ mgtc!
\ The input file is a host system file, regarded as a code file.
0xFFFF 216 entry-pos+ mgt!
then ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Copying a file
\ The current file to be copied to the disk image can be a host system
\ file, regarded as ZX Spectrum code file, or an actual ZX Spectrum
\ file included in a TAP file.
variable side \ current side of the disk
variable track \ current track of the disk
variable sector \ current sector of the disk
variable file-pos \ position in the current file contents
variable image-pos \ position in the disk image
variable previous-image-pos \ previous position in the disk image
variable /piece \ size of the copied piece
variable start-of-file \ flag for the first copied piece
: copy-file-contents-piece ( -- )
\ Copy a piece (a sector) of the contents of the current file to the
\ disk image.
track @ side @ sector @ geometry>pos
dup previous-image-pos ! image-pos !
\ Calculate the length of the piece to be copied.
start-of-file @ if
\ Copy the GDOS file header from the directory entry.
211 entry-pos+ image+ image-pos @ image+ /file-header move
/file-header image-pos +!
data/sector /file-header - /piece !
start-of-file off
file-length file-pos @ - dup data/sector 1- >
if drop data/sector then /piece !
\ Copy the data.
file-pos @ file+ image-pos @ image+ /piece @ move
\ Update the sector.
/piece @ file-pos +!
1 sector +!
sector @ sectors/track > if
1 sector ! 1 track +!
track @ tracks/side = if
0 track ! 1 side +!
side @ sides/disk = abort" Disk full."
file-pos @ file-length < if \ not the last piece yet
\ Save the address of the next sector
\ into the the last two bytes (510 and 511) of the current one.
track @ side @ 128 * + previous-image-pos @ 510 + mgtc! \ track
sector @ previous-image-pos @ 511 + mgtc! \ sector
then ;
: init-copy ( -- )
starting-side @ side !
starting-track @ track !
starting-sector @ sector !
0 file-pos !
start-of-file on ;
\ Init some variables before copying a file.
: copy-file-contents ( -- )
begin file-pos @ file-length < while
repeat ;
\ Copy the contents of the current file to the disk image.
: copy-file ( -- )
free-entry? 0= abort" Too many files for MGT format."
make-directory-entry copy-file-contents ;
\ Copy the current input file to the disk image. The current input
\ file can be a host system file, regarded as a code file, or a ZX
\ Spectrum file included in a TAP file.
: file-in-tap+ ( +n1 -- +n2 )
tap-metadata+ \ point to the first actual data byte
file-length + \ skip the data
1+ ; \ skip the checksum byte at the end of the TAP data block
\ Update a file position
\ to point to the next ZX Spectrum file in the TAP file.
: empty-tap-file? ( -- f )
file-contents-pos @ file-in-tap+ \ new position
dup file-contents-pos ! \ update the position
(file-contents) 2@ nip = ; \ end of the TAP file?
\ Is the current TAP file empty?
: copy-tap-file ( -- )
begin verbose? if dos-filename 2 spaces type cr then copy-file
empty-tap-file? until ;
\ Copy a TAP file to the disk image.
\ It can include one or more ZX Spectrum files.
\ ==============================================================
\ Main
: get-input-file ( ca len -- )
slurp-file (file-contents) 2! 0 file-contents-pos ! ;
\ Get the contents of an input file.
\ ca len = filename
: free-input-file ( -- )
(file-contents) 2@ drop free throw ;
\ Free the space used by the input file.
variable input-files \ counter
0 input-files !
: file>image ( ca len -- )
1 input-files +!
verbose? if 2dup type cr then
2dup input-filename$ $! 2dup get-input-file
s" .tap" string-suffix? dup to tap-file?
if copy-tap-file else copy-file then free-input-file ;
\ Copy an input file to the disk image.
\ ca len = parameter filename
: parameter-file ( ca len -- )
image-filename$ $@len \ is the output filename already set?
if file>image else +extension image-filename$ $! then ;
\ Treat a file received as parameter.
\ If it's the first one, it's regarded as the output file;
\ otherwise it's an input file.
\ ca len = filename
\ ==============================================================
\ Argument parser
s" mkmgt" \ program name
s" [option]... [outputfile] [option]... [inputfile]..." \ program usage
version \ program version
s" Report bugs to" \ program extra info
arg-new value mkmgt-arguments
\ Add the default help and version options.
mkmgt-arguments arg-add-help-option
mkmgt-arguments arg-add-version-option
\ Add the -q/--quiet option switch.
char q \ Short option name
s" quiet" \ Long option name
s" activate quiet mode: input files will not be listed" \ Desc.
true \ Switch -> true
4 dup constant arg.quiet-option \ Option id
mkmgt-arguments arg-add-option
\ Add the -t/--tap-filename option switch.
char t \ Short option name
s" tap-filename" \ Long option name
s" use TAP filename for DOS instead of that in the tape header" \ Desc.
true \ Switch -> true
5 dup constant arg.tap-filename-option \ Option id
mkmgt-arguments arg-add-option
\ Add the -o/--output option parameter. \ XXX OLD
\ char o \ Short option name
\ s" output=FILE" \ Long option name
\ s" set output file (the mgt extension will be added if missing); default: <output.mgt>" \ Description
\ false \ Parameter -> false
\ 5 \ Option id
\ mkmgt-arguments arg-add-option
: help ( -- )
mkmgt-arguments arg-print-help bye ;
: option? ( -- ca len n f | n f )
mkmgt-arguments arg-parse ( ca len n | n ) \ parse the next argument
dup arg.done <> over arg.error <> and ; \ not done and not an error?
\ ca len = option value
\ n = option number
\ f = valid option?
: option ( ca len n | n -- )
case of help endof
arg.version-option of mkmgt-arguments arg-print-version endof
arg.quiet-option of false to verbose? endof
arg.tap-filename-option of true to ignore-tape-filename? endof
arg.non-option of parameter-file endof
endcase ;
: parse-options ( -- )
begin option? while option repeat ;
\ ==============================================================
\ Boot
: run ( -- )
parse-options input-files @ if save-image else help then ;
run bye
\ ==============================================================
\ Change log
\ 2015-04-10:
\ Start. First working version: A-00-201504102349.
\ 2015-04-11:
\ New: Support for TAP files (only one ZX Spectrum file per TAP file).
\ Version A-01-2015041102147.
\ 2015-04-12:
\ New: Support for TAP files with several ZX Spectrum files. Version
\ A-02-201504121302.
\ 2015-04-13:
\ New: Support for arrays in TAP files. Version A-03-201504130035.
\ 2015-04-24:
\ Minor layout changes. Some comments improved. New to-do notes in the
\ code.
\ 2015-05-16:
\ Fix: Silly mistake: The `abort"` in `copy-file` was wrongly placed
\ in an `else`; the error (more than 80 input files) was not detected
\ and caused an stack overflow. Version A-04-20150516.
\ 2015-08-07:
\ Revision before publishing.
\ 2015-08-09:
\ Installation instructions.
\ 2015-11-29:
\ Factored `parse-options` and `copy-file-contents`. Improvement: now
\ the help is shown when no input file is given.
\ 2015-12-08:
\ Removed unused variable `verbose`. Fixed the stack notation and
\ comments of `option?` and `option`.
\ 2016-11-16:
\ Convert the version number to Semantic Versioning
\ ( 1.1.0+20161116.
\ 2017-07-26:
\ Add `s+`, which is in Gforth 0.7.3 but not in Gforth 0.7.9. Add
\ also a synonym of `basename`, which Gforth 0.7.3 defined in
\ `forth-wordlist` but Gforth 0.7.9 defines in the `c-lib` vocabulary.
\ 2019-07-12:
\ Remove the synonym of `basename`, it is not needed anymore (in fact
\ it causes problems) with the latest versions of Gforth 0.7.9.
\ 2020-05-14: Use the Galope library modules. Update source style. Add
\ `warnings off`.
You can also get mkmgt in Github.