Priskribo de la ĉi-paĝa enhavo
Teksta serpento-ludo verkita en Fortho por Gforth.
Aktiva projekto. Komencita je 2017-11-22.
Perteksta serpento-ludo verkata en Fortho por Gforth (version 0.7.9).
La interfaco estos plurlingva: en angla, Esperanto, hispana kaj Interlingveo.
Ankore ne multo montrindas. Eblas sekvi la programadon en GitHub.
#! /usr/bin/env gforth
\ Serpentino
: version s" 0.30.0+201711270118" ;
\ See change log at the end of the file.
\ Description:
\ A text-based snake game under development
\ written in Forth (
\ for Gforth (
\ Author: Marcos Cruz (
\ =============================================================
\ License
\ You may do whatever you want with this work, so long as you
\ retain all copyright, credit and authorship notices, and this
\ license. There is no warranty.
\ =============================================================
\ Credit
\ Forked on 2017-11-22 from the initial commit of Robert
\ Pfeiffer's forthsnake
\ (, 2009.
\ ==============================================================
\ Requirements
\ From Gforth
require colorize.fs
\ From Galope
require galope/between.fs \ `between`
require galope/e-key-to.fs \ `ekey>`
require galope/minus-keys.fs \ `-keys`
require galope/question-one-minus-store.fs \ `?1-!`
require galope/random-between.fs \ `random-between`
require galope/unhome.fs \ `unhome`
\ ==============================================================
variable colorize colorize on
\ Flag.
<a black >bg red >fg a> value apple-attr
<a black >bg a> value arena-attr
<a black >bg red >fg a> value crush-attr
<a black >bg green >fg a> value snake-attr
<a black >bg a> value status-attr
<a black >bg green >fg a> value text-attr
<a black >bg white >fg a> value wall-attr
\ Color attributes.
: ?attr! ( x -- ) colorize @ if attr! else drop then ;
\ If `colorize` is non-zero, set color attribute _x_.
variable score
variable record record off
\ Counters.
variable delay
\ Crawl delay in ms.
192 constant initial-delay
\ Initial crawl delay in ms.
4 constant acceleration
\ Delay decrement.
cols 2 - constant arena-cols
rows 4 - constant arena-rows
\ Size of the arena.
cols arena-cols - 2/ constant arena-x
rows arena-rows - 2/ constant arena-y
\ Coordinates of the top-left corner of the arena.
arena-x arena-cols + 1- constant arena-max-x
arena-y arena-rows + 1- constant arena-max-y
\ Coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the arena.
arena-x 1- constant wall-x
arena-y 1- constant wall-y
\ Coordinates of the top-left corner of the wall.
arena-max-x 1+ constant wall-max-x
arena-max-y 1+ constant wall-max-y
\ Coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the wall.
wall-max-x wall-x - 1+ constant wall-cols
wall-max-y wall-y - 1+ constant wall-rows
\ Size of the wall.
4 constant initial-length
\ Initial length of the snake.
512 constant max-max-length
\ Limit of the calculated maximum length of the snake, no
\ matter the size of the screen. This limit makes sure the
\ buffer is big enough, no matter if the size of the screen
\ is increased.
: (max-length) ( -- n )
arena-rows arena-cols * 5 / max-max-length min ;
\ Return maximum length _n_ of the snake, calculated after
\ the size of the arena.
(max-length) value max-length
\ Maximum length of the snake.
2 cells constant /segment
\ Size of each snake's segment.
create snake max-max-length /segment * allot
\ Snake's segments. Each segment contains its coordinates.
2variable apple
\ Coordinates of the apple.
variable head>
\ Number of the head segment.
2variable previous-head
\ Coordinates of the head before crawling.
variable length
\ Snake's current length.
2variable direction
\ Snake's current direction (coordinate increments).
: segment ( n -- a )
head> @ + max-length mod /segment * snake + ;
\ Convert segment number _n_ to its address _a_.
: head ( -- a ) 0 segment ;
\ Return address _a_ of the snake's head segment.
: neck ( -- a ) 1 segment ;
\ Return address _a_ of the snake's "neck" segment, ie.
\ its second segment.
: tail ( -- a ) length @ segment ;
\ Return address _a_ of the snake's tail segment.
: clash? ( a1 a2 -- f ) 2@ rot 2@ d= ;
\ Are the coordinates contained in _a1_ equal to the
\ coordinates contained in _a2_?
: cross? ( a -- f ) head clash? ;
\ Does the head cross segment _a_?
: random-xy ( -- col row ) arena-x arena-max-x random-between
arena-y arena-max-y random-between ;
: segment? ( col row -- f )
length @ 0 ?do 2dup i segment 2@ d=
if 2drop true unloop exit then
loop 2drop false ;
\ Is there a snake's segment at _col row_?
: apple-random-xy ( -- col row )
begin random-xy 2dup segment? while 2drop repeat ;
: new-apple ( -- ) apple-random-xy apple 2! ;
\ Locate a new apple.
wall-x constant status-x
wall-max-y 1+ constant status-y
wall-max-x constant status-max-x
\ Coordinates of the status bar.
status-max-x status-x - 1+ constant status-cols
\ Columns of the status bar.
: score$ ( -- ca len ) s" Score: " ;
\ Return the score label _ca len_.
status-x 1+ constant score-label-x
status-y constant score-label-y
\ Coordinates of the score label.
: .score$ ( -- )
text-attr ?attr!
score-label-x score-label-y at-xy score$ type ;
\ Display the score label.
4 constant digits
: .(score) ( n -- )
text-attr ?attr! s>d <# digits 0 ?do # loop #> type ;
: score-xy ( -- col row )
score-label-x score$ nip + score-label-y ;
\ Return the coordinates _col row_ of the score.
: .score ( -- ) score-xy at-xy score @ .(score) ;
\ Display the score.
: record$ ( -- ca len ) s" Record: " ;
\ Return the record label _ca len_.
wall-max-x 1- digits - record$ nip - constant record-label-x
status-y constant record-label-y
\ Coordinates of the record label.
: .record$ ( -- )
text-attr ?attr!
record-label-x record-label-y at-xy record$ type ;
\ Display the record label.
: record-xy ( -- col row )
record-label-x record$ nip + record-label-y ;
\ Return the coordinates _col row_ of the record.
: .record ( -- ) record-xy at-xy record @ .(score) ;
\ Display the record.
: grow ( -- ) length @ 1+ max-length min length ! ;
\ Grow the snake.
: .(apple) ( -- ) ." Q";
\ Just display the apple, without changing the current
\ colors, at the current cursor position.
: .apple ( -- ) apple-attr ?attr! apple 2@ at-xy .(apple) ;
\ Display the apple.
: coords+ ( n1 n2 col1 row1 -- col2 row2 ) rot + -rot + swap ;
\ Update coordinates _col1 row1_ with direction _n1 n2_,
\ resulting coordinates _col2 row2_.
: move-head ( -- ) head> @ 1- max-length mod head> ! ;
: (crawl) ( n1 n2 -- )
head 2@ 2dup previous-head 2! move-head coords+ head 2! ;
\ Make the snake crawl in direction _n1 n2_.
: crawl ( -- ) direction 2@ (crawl) ;
\ Make the snake crawl in the current direction.
-1 0 2constant left
\ Left direction (coordinate increments).
1 0 2constant right
\ Right direction (coordinate increments).
0 1 2constant down
\ Down direction (coordinate increments).
0 -1 2constant up
\ Up direction (coordinate increments).
: at-arena? ( col row -- f ) arena-y arena-max-y between swap
arena-x arena-max-x between and ;
\ Are coordinates _col row_ at the arena?
: wall? ( -- f ) head 2@ at-arena? 0= ;
\ Has the snake hit the wall?
: crush ( -- ) previous-head 2@ at-xy crush-attr ?attr! ." X" ;
: crossing? ( -- f )
length @ 1 ?do i segment cross? if unloop true exit then
loop false ;
\ Is the snake crossing itself?
: apple? ( -- f ) head apple clash? ;
\ Has the snake found the apple?
: crush? ( -- f ) wall? crossing? or ;
: .horizontal-wall ( -- ) wall-max-x 1+ wall-x ?do ." +" loop ;
: .wall ( -- )
wall-attr ?attr!
wall-x wall-y at-xy .horizontal-wall
arena-max-y 1+ arena-y ?do wall-x i at-xy ." +"
wall-max-x i at-xy ." +" loop
wall-x wall-max-y at-xy .horizontal-wall ;
\ Display the wall.
: .head ( -- ) head 2@ at-xy snake-attr ?attr! ." O" ;
\ Display the head of the snake.
variable swallow swallow off
\ Flag: has the snake just swallowed an apple?
: .neck ( -- ) neck 2@ at-xy snake-attr ?attr!
swallow @ if .(apple) swallow off
else ." o" then ;
\ Display the "neck" of the snake, ie. its second segment.
: -tail ( -- ) tail 2@ at-xy space ;
\ Delete the tail of the snake.
: .snake+ ( -- ) .head .neck -tail unhome ;
\ Display the snake updated, ie. only the parts that change
\ during the crawling.
: .snake ( -- )
.head length @ 1 ?do i segment 2@ at-xy ." o" loop ;
\ Display the whole snake.
: -status ( -- ) status-attr ?attr!
status-x status-y at-xy status-cols spaces ;
\ Clear the status bar.
: .status ( -- ) -status .score$ .score .record$ .record ;
\ Display the status bar.
: init-arena ( -- ) arena-attr ?attr! page
.wall .status .apple .snake ;
\ Init the arena.
: init-max-length ( -- ) (max-length) to max-length ;
\ Init the maximum length of the snake, depending on the
\ current size of the screen.
: new-snake ( -- )
init-max-length initial-length length !
head> off cols 2/ rows 2/ head 2!
up direction 2! length @ 0 ?do crawl loop ;
\ Create a new snake with default values (length, position
\ and direction).
: init-delay ( -- ) initial-delay delay ! ;
\ Init the delay.
: init ( -- )
score off init-delay new-snake new-apple init-arena ;
\ Init the game.
: dodge ( -- ) score ?1-! .score ;
\ Decrement the score because of the dodge.
: dodge? ( n1 n2 -- ) direction 2@ rot + -rot + or 0<> ;
\ Do new direction _n1 n2_ causes a dodge, ie. does it
\ change the current direction to the left or to the right?
: ?dodge ( n1 n2 -- ) dodge? if dodge then ;
\ Manage a possible dodge caused by new direction _n1 n2_.
: new-direction ( n1 n2 -- ) 2dup ?dodge direction 2! ;
\ Set new direction _n1 n2_.
k-down value down-key
k-left value left-key
k-right value right-key
k-up value up-key
bl value pause-key
\ Control keys.
: pause ( -- ) begin
begin ekey? until false
begin drop ekey ekey> until
pause-key =
until ;
\ Stop the game until the pause key is pressed again.
: manage-key ( x -- )
down-key of down new-direction endof
left-key of left new-direction endof
right-key of right new-direction endof
up-key of up new-direction endof
pause-key of pause endof
endcase ;
\ If _x_ is a supported key, manage it. _x_ can be
\ a keypress, a character or an extended character.
: (rudder) ( x -- ) ekey> if manage-key else drop then ;
\ If keyboard event _x_ i a valid one (a keypress, a
\ character or an extended character), manage it.
: rudder ( -- ) ekey? if ekey (rudder) then ;
\ If a keyboard event is available, manage it.
: lazy ( -- ) delay @ ms ;
\ Wait the current delay.
: faster ( -- ) delay @ acceleration - 0 max delay ! ;
\ Decrement the delay.
: eaten ( -- ) swallow on 10 score +! .score ;
\ Increase and display the score.
: eat ( -- ) eaten grow faster new-apple .apple ;
\ Eat the apple.
: ?eat ( -- ) apple? if eat then ;
\ If the apple is found, eat it.
: center-y ( -- row ) rows 2/ ;
\ Calculate Y coordinate _row_ of the center of the
\ screen.
: center-x ( len -- col ) cols swap - 2/ ;
\ Calculate X coordinate _col_ of the center of the
\ screen, for a string lenght _len_.
: center-xy ( len -- col row ) center-x center-y ;
\ Calculate coordinates _col row_ of the center of the
\ screen, for a string lenght _len_.
: at-center-xy ( len -- ) center-xy at-xy ;
\ Set cursor at the center of the screen, for a string lenght
\ _len_.
: type-center ( ca len -- ) dup at-center-xy type ;
\ Display string _ca len_ at the center of the screen.
: +type-center ( ca len n -- )
>r dup center-xy r> + at-xy type ;
\ Display string _ca len_ at the center of the screen,
\ but adding row offset _n_.
: update-record ( -- ) score @ record @ max record ! .record ;
: game-over ( -- )
s" **** GAME OVER **** " type-center unhome
500 ms -keys key drop ;
: (game) ( -- ) .snake+ lazy rudder crawl ?eat ;
\ Game cycle.
: game ( -- ) begin (game) crush? until crush game-over ;
\ Game loop.
: version$ ( -- ca len ) s" Version " version s+ ;
: title$ ( -- ca len ) s" ooO SERPENTINO Ooo" ;
: author$ ( -- ca len ) s"" ;
: splash-screen ( -- ) text-attr ?attr!
page title$ -2 +type-center
version$ type-center
author$ 2 +type-center unhome
2000 ms ;
\ Display the splash screen.
: run ( -- ) begin splash-screen init game again ;
\ Main, endless loop.
cr cr .( Type RUN to start) cr cr \ XXX TMP --
\ =============================================================
\ Debugging tools
false [if]
: test-on-snake ( -- )
begin key? if key bl = if exit then then
random-xy 2dup at-xy segment? if ." X" key drop
else ." ." then
again ;
\ =============================================================
\ Change log
\ 2017-11-22: Fork from Robert Pfeiffer's forthsnake
\ ( Change source
\ style. Rename words. Factor. Use constants and variables.
\ Use full screen. Draw the head apart. Document. Simplify
\ handling of directions. Remove flickering. Accelerate the
\ drawing of the snake. Add an actual scoring.
\ 2017-11-23: Add record. Improve the scoring calculation.
\ Improve the keyboard handling to support non-movement keys.
\ Add a pause key.