SBim Vim syntax file

Descripción del contenido de la página

Fichero de Vim para colorear código en SBim.


Este fichero de resaltado de sintaxis de Vim para SBim es una extensión al fichero de resaltado de sintaxis de Vim para SuperBASIC, para resaltar las características propias del formato SBim.

Código fuente

" sbim.vim
" Vim syntax file
" Language:    SBim (S*BASIC improved)
" Author:      Marcos Cruz (
" License:     Vim license (GPL compatible)
" URL:
" Updated:     2017-10-18

" See change log at the end of the file

" SBim is an improved format for QL's S*BASIC source code.

" ==============================================================

" This syntax file simply loads the standard
" S*BASIC syntax file, adds the highlights for the new
" comments and sets the tabs and text folding preferences.

" ==============================================================

:runtime! syntax/superbasic.vim " Include the standard S*BASIC syntax file

" Line numbers are not used:
syntax clear superbasicLineNumber

syn keyword sbimTodo contained todo fixme xxx

syn region sbimLabel start="^\s*\(label\s\+\)\?@[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" end="\>"

syn region sbimLineComment start="^\s*'\s" end="$" contains=sbimTodo
syn region sbimLineComment start="\s'\s" end="$" contains=sbimTodo
syn match sbimLineComment "^\s*'$"

syn match sbimPreProc "^\s*#define\>"
syn match sbimPreProc "^\s*#endif\>"
syn match sbimPreProc "^\s*#else\>"
syn match sbimPreProc "^\s*#ifdef\>"
syn match sbimPreProc "^\s*#ifndef\>"
syn match sbimPreProc "^\s*#include\>"
syn match sbimPreProc "^\s*#renum\>"

" backslash to split the lines:
syn match sbimSplittedLine "\\\s*\(//.*\)\?$" contains=sbimLineComment

hi def link sbimMetaComment Comment
hi def link sbimLineComment Comment
hi def link sbimBlockComment Comment
"hi def link sbimSplittedLine Ignore
hi def link sbimSplittedLine Comment
hi def link sbimTodo Todo
hi def link sbimLabel Comment
hi def link sbimPreProc PreProc

" XXX TODO -- Highlight line numbers
" hi def link superbasicLineNumber Error

let b:current_syntax = "sbim"

" ==============================================================
" Change log

" 2011-08-13 First version.
" 2011-08-25 C style comments added, block in inline.
" 2011-09-01 Renamed to SBim (formerly SB).
" 2012-01-25 Labels added.
" 2012-01-26 The character to split lines now is backslash
" instead of the vertical bar.
" 2012-01-27 Fixed. The backslash was not highlighted when a
" line comment followed it. 
" 2012-01-27 Fixed. The hash was not properly highlighted when
" it was the only character in the line. 
" 2012-01-27 Modifed. "sbimMetaComment" is not highlighted apart
" anymore; "sbimCommentedOut" is used in all cases.
" 2012-12-16 The edit options are moved to
" <~/.vim/ftplugin/sbim.vim>.
" 2015-02-26: Vim license.
" 2016-01-12: Added `#firstline`; replaced the old the to-do
" mark with new ones.  2016-01-25: Added `#include`.
" 2017-09-12: Update line comments.
" 2017-09-16: Modify `'` line comment.
" 2017-09-20: Update: Remove comments other than `'`.
" 2017-09-27: Support emtpy `'` line comments.
" 2017-09-29: Simplify matchs of `#include` and `#firstline`.
" Add `#define`, `#endif`, `#else`, `#ifdef`, `#ifndef`.
" 2017-10-18: Update: Replace `#firstline` with `#renum`.


Todos los componentes de SBim pueden descargarse en la sección de descargas de SBim.

Páginas relacionadas

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MBim Vim syntax file
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